Chapter 2

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My hand was firmly pressed against my throbbing head as I made my way home, Millie or Finn never came out to me, instead Kyle offered me a lift home but I declined not wanting to ride with a stranger.

As I walked a distance away from the boxing ring I allowed tears to finally escape my eyes, my own best friend of 13 years left me, she didn't ask if I was ok, she just stared as everything unfolded.

I wasn't going to forgive her anytime soon, her 20th birthday was next week, we both worked in the same shop and she's completely broke our friendship.

I saw a dark figure in the shadows and pulled out my phone, "yeah my bodyguards are around, they're making sure I get home safe, they just aren't in sight" I fake laughed pretending to be on my phone whilst nervously walking, I continued to pretend to be on my phone laughing and joking around when it was knocked out my hand.

My head began to throb and my heart beat began banging on my chest, I screamed and ran when I felt a harsh tug on my hair making my head throb even more.

A guy with a balaclava on his head pulled my hair downwards and threw me to the floor, I lay still as he crouched down to be and kicked him as hard as I could, he didn't flinch and slapped my face pushing it towards the dirty floor.

"Please stop" I whispered earning a slap to my face, my head was throbbing even worse as I pushed him, hit him and did everything I could to get him off my it wasn't enough.

He pulled my shirt off leaving me in my bra and cupped my boob, I grabbed his hand scratching it which made him flinch a little, he punched my jaw and moved on to my trousers.

Pulling down my jeans was a struggle for him so I kicked him continuously causing him to growl, he picked my shirt up and dragged my body, I used my legs to pull me away from him however I didn't have the strength with my throwbbing jaw, cheek and head.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked allowing tears to spill from my eyes, "please stop" I whispered.

He slammed my body down and used my shirt to tie my left arm, he pulled my trousers off however I screamed and began kicking him again, he stretched my left leg and tied it up to the gate.

My right arm and right leg never stopped fighting as I continuously tried kicking him and hitting him, he pulled down my underwear and took off my bra, leaving it hanging on my left arm, he ripped my underwear off and placed it in his pocket, my right leg was held down unable to kick, he pulled his trousers off and his shirt using it to cover my screaming mouth, my screams became muffled as tears continued to pour down my eyes.

He grabbed his errect penis and slammed it into my vagina, I began to sob harder, my screams becoming hoarse as my throat began hurting, my right arm limp as I began to accept what was happening.

A few minutes passed by my tears never stopping, I saw a shard of glass and picked it up, after a while I felt him cum in me causing me to cry further, I'm only 19, I don't want a baby.

He came close to my face, his hand caressing my cheek when I used the glass to scrape his hand, he stood up, kicking the glass out my hand and kicking me in the guts, my ribs aching, my cheek, head and whole body throbbing.

I hate my life

And with that I passed out.

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