Chapter 3

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"oh my gosh, honey what are you doing here?" She asked

What does it look like having a party, I mean why else do people go to the hospital.

"I got injured" was my brief response.

Jane smiled at me and took out her phone "here, put your number in my phone and call me, I've got to go but it was nice meeting you".

I took her phone adding my number to her contacts then gave the phone back to her, her arms wrapped around my shoulders engulfing me in a hug, my breathing stopped not liking how close she was however I took a deep breath and smiled.

Jane left and I was left alone with my mum, "where's Millie?" She asked looking at me with her arms crossed.

Millie has always been like a second daughter to her, sometimes I think she prefers her more than me.

"I don't think we're friends anymore" was my response, saying it out loud made my heart drop, She was always my rock and now I was alone.

"I'll get you a nurse, my shift is over in 10"  with that she left the room, leaving me all alone.


I was finally allowed to go home and couldn't have been happier, however I felt empty, Millie was always the first person I spoke to and I couldn't even speak to her.

The bus came to a stop so I walked out, I made my way up the hill and a few minutes later I arrived home.

I opened the door and made my way to my bedroom, I took out my fresh Aladdin pajamas and two towels making my way to the bathroom, I turned the shower on and took of my slightly ripped shirt and bra, I also took off my leggings and threw them in the bin.

I picked up the bleach that was on the counter and opened it, I stood in the shower and lathered my body in bleach, the smell made me feel clean however it burnt my eyes, the strong aroma making my eyes water, I began thinking about the events that occurred.

I got raped. There was no way to sugar coat it, it was plain and simple, tears spilled out my eyes and I put the bleach away sitting in the shower with the water still dripping on me.

I'm weak, I'm pathetic. I let it happen.

If I'd have tried harder, I could have stopped him but I didn't, I didn't kick as hard as I could, I didn't fight as hard as I could. I basically asked for it.

Im a whore.

I stood up getting shampoo and washing my hair, I then conditioned my hair turning the shower off and towel drying my body, I used my other towel to dry my hair.

Im not a whore, I didn't want it to happen, I fought as hard as I could.

Did I like it?

Am I sick and twisted? Did I enjoy it? I did get wet. Was it even rape?

I hit my hand on the wall punching it, pain shot through my knuckles, I'm pathetic.

I put on my clothes and screamed in my pillow.

After crying for a few minutes I stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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