Chapter 2

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I was sitting on my bed trying to convince myself that I shouldn't go. It was an awful idea I can already tell. Valentin, the guy from that morning, is a danger to the existence that I have created. I can feel it. But if I don't go I will look like a coward, and that is worse than anything. People can't think I'm weak or they will use that to their advantage against me. I groan and push myself off the bed. I grab some leggings and a loose top and put them on. On my way out I put on a pair of worn out chucks and a leather jacket. With only my phone in hand I make my way out, in my case probably to hell.


This time I was early to rehearsal, which annoyed me because I was hoping he would throw me out if I was late. Not this time.

With the key they had given me in advance I walk in to find no one in the studio. Well that's just great, now I could either leave or wait. 

Deciding for the latter I take off my leather jacket and throw it into a corner. 

Taking this opportunity of being by myself I begin stretching my arms and legs as a warm up.

While doing some more warm up moves a voice startled me mid move causing me to stumble.

"You are really pretty." I turn in search for the little voice to find a cute little girl looking a hell lot like Valentin and Maksim, the instructor. "Thank you, you're really pretty yourself."

I squat down so I was at the same height as her and motion for her to step closer. "What are you doing here by yourself?" I really hope she wasn't walking around Soho by herself.

"I live up there," she looks up pointing at the ceiling. "I came to look for Val, he gives me dancing lessons."

Who was Val? Valentin, Val?

I frown wondering if he was ever going to show up, not for me but for the girl here.

"What's your name honey?"


I smile. "I'm Zendaya. Now Roza since Val is not here yet. How about I give you some dancing lessons?"

Jumping up and down in excitement, she quickly takes off her jacket. "Alright what have you been doing with Val."

"He said he was going to teach me spins and lifts."

Spins and lifts, that was easy enough.

I go ahead and show her how to do the basic spin, making sure that she really got I tell her to ahead and try.

When she did I notice that she was moving a little too much while doing the spins. I halt her for a moment. "Roza, try to spin in place and the moment you reach out to do the second spin you can take a step and move." She nods in concentration and tries again, this time doing it much better than the first time. We repeat the process a couple of times more until I move over to the lifts.

The lifts were going to be a little tricky, I had always been the one being lifted back then, so I wasn't sure where to hold her exactly. Maybe I should just start easy.

I was about to tell her to step closer when I notice that she has been looking at me with a questionable expression. "What is your relation with Val?

Well  I couldn't tell her that I had slept with him, so I opt for the more harmless version. "We work together, today was supposed to be my first day here." I shrug. "But he didn't show up.'' Somehow I was annoyed by the fact that he had stood me up. I should have just stayed at home all together.

I guess Roza was execting me to ask who she was in realtion to Val since it seemed like she waiting for me with an expectant expression, but I really didn't need to know. 

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