Chapter 6

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I was walking down the street towards the studio when I notice someone familiar waving at me.

I sqinsh my eyes and try to recognize that person, it was actually fairly simple since I don't know many people who are half as tall as me, I really don't know why I did that.

"Zendaya!" Roza shouts out at me as she pulls on a woman's hand which she has been holding. I look around to see that everyone was now looking at me.


One girl my age in particular stares at me longer than necessary so I stare right back until she gets uncomfortable and turns away to keep walking. I frown as I realize that she too looked familiar to me. But just as I was about to figure out I get distracted by Roza and that woman who was looking at me weirdly.

Why is everyone looking at me like that?

For Roza's sake I pull myself together and smile. "Hey."

"Are you going to dance again?"

"Yeah, actually I am on my way to do a workshop." I look down at my watch, the only thing that I have left of my parents.

"And I'm late." I shrug and focus back on Roza all the while seeing that woman's gaze from the corner of my eye as if she was seizing me up. I was really getting impatient, if she has something to say then she might as well get out with it.

"Can I go, too. Mommi?" I laugh internally as I see Roza using her puppy dog eyes on that woman who is apparently her mother.


After a second she caves in and nods causing Roza to jump up and down in excitement as she surprisingly takes my hand and rushes towards the Dance With Me studio as she skips up and down making me smile.

But the smile is replaced by a slight growl as soon as I step into the ballroom and spot Val but instead of his constant smirk on his face he wore a surprised look as he sees us. Roza runs to him excitedly and says something in Russian as he hoists her up onto his arms.

I spot Gale and walk over to him.

"Hey." He greets me with a grin as I step next to him and Sean. I face Gale and give him a thumbs up. I'm not a big fan of hugs, if you get any kind of greeting from me you should feel lucky.

I turn to Sean and look at him, seizing him up. I've seen him before but usually they are off to the dance floor faster than I could check him out.

Sean was actually really pretty, with a cheeky grin and smooth face, blond hair sat perfectly in place and enchanting smile. He visibly had like no flaw, he looked perfect. If he wasn't gay I would have tried my luck, but then again probably not. Perfection is something that I look down upon ever since my parents died.

Flaws and mistakes are my gravity.

"If you weren't gay..." I trail off with a joking grin at Gale, seeing his slight growl.

He pushes me light against the shoulder as he wraps his arms around Sean. "He is mine, you go hook your claws on someone else."

I laugh and make my hands into claws as I jokingly claw on Sean. Gale protective steps in front of Sean who had an amused smile on his face to push me back and away from them.

And because I was still laughing I loose my balance making me stumble backwards but I am caught by a pair of hands. I was about to turn around and give my thanks o the person stooping me from hurting myself when.I notice that it wad in fact Val who had caught me, making me instantly pull away from him and crossing my arms defensively.

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