Chapter XII

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"Enjoying your last meal before you get on the train back to the Muggles, Potter?" Draco teased, with a smirk.

"You're so braver now that you are back on the ground with your little friends!" Harry said, looking at Crabbe and Goyle.

"I'd take you anytime on my own." Draco said. "What about tonight? Wizard's duel. I'll meet you in the trophy room at midnight, if you are not scared of course!"

"He'll be there!" Ron exclaimed.

That night at midnight, Harry and Ron went to the third floor, where the trophy room was. Hermione and Neville went too, Hermione because she tried to stop them, but got locked out of the common room and Neville was outside, because he didn't remember the password.

When they got there, Draco and Crabbe weren't there. Ron and Harry had their wands ready in case Draco was hiding somewhere.


Harry turned around quickly to see a blonde-haired student. But it wasn't Draco. It was Katie. She was in her purple pyjamas, barefoot. And behind her, Mallory was walking closely to her. Her brown hair was a huge mess.

"Harry you must go, Draco tricked you!" Katie said.


Harry didn't say anything because they heard a noise. It was Mr. Filch and his cat. They ran silently into another room, before he could see them. They began to creep down a long gallery full of suits of armour. They heard Filch getting closer to them, Neville got scared and ran faster, tripping over Ron. Both fell and toppled right into one of the suits of armour.

Ron and Neville got up quickly and all of them ran away as fast as they could. The noise they had made could have woken up everyone. Somehow, they found a tapestry, there was a secret passageway. They wasted no time in getting there.

"I told you not to come!" Hermione said to Harry, while Mallory said the same to Katie.

To their bad luck, Peeves got in their way. Ron told him to go away and actually took a swipe at Peeves, which was a really huge mistake.

"Students out of bed!" Peeves yelled at the top of his lungs. "Students out of bed down the charms corridor!"

The six of them ran for their lives, literally. It seemed like they were out of luck because at the end of the corridor was a door, which was locked.

"We're doomed! This is it!" Ron said, almost crying.

"Why do you always have to be the negative one?" Katie said to him.

"Don't you ever learn?" Hermione said. "Alohomora!"

The door swung open and they hurried to get in, closing the door behind. They pressed their ears against the door to hear.

"Where did they go Peeves?" Filch asked.

"Say please." Peeves said. "I shall not say nothing if you don't say please!"

"Fine! Please."

"Nothing!" Peeves yelled and burst out laughing. "Told you I wouldn't say nothing if you didn't say please!"

They heard as Peeves left laughing at Filch, and Filch cursing as he also left. They sighed in relief.

"Oh no." Katie said. The others turned and almost died when they finally saw it.

"This can't be happening again!" Ron said.

"What is happe..." Mallory started to say but stopped when she saw the three-headed-dog. "What the hell is that?" Mallory screamed, which was a bad idea, because the dog opened its six eyes.

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