Chapter XIX

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On Saturday every student and teacher, even Dumbledore walked to the Quidditch Pitch to watch the last match of the season, Gryffindor against Hufflepuff, and as shocking as it sounded, Snape was going to be the referee.

"Ouch!" Ron exclaimed. He was with Shannon. Ron turned around to see who had poked him, it was Draco.

"Oh, sorry Weasley, didn't see you there." Draco said. "Wonder how long Potter's going to stay on his broom this time, anyone want a bet? You, Weasley? Perhaps, or you, Weaslette?

Katie had just joined them and heard what Draco was saying, and hit him hard on his shoulder.

"Ouch! Who dares to..." Draco looked behind him and was shocked to see Katie. "What was that for?"

"That's not nice, Draco. Leave Harry and the Weasleys alone." Katie snapped. "And you know what? I want to bet, I bet you that Gryffindor will win and that Harry will catch the snitch."

"What do you want to bet?"

"Five galleons." Katie said. "And the one that loses has to do Herbology's homework for a month."

"Deal." Draco said, smirking.

Just as they shook hands, Snape awarded Hufflepuff a penalty because George hit a Bludger at him, Katie didn't want to admit it but that was hilarious.

Harry was flying around the whole pitch looking for the snitch like crazy. He knew he had to catch it and end the game as soon as possible if he didn't want Snape to keep awarding penalties to Hufflepuff. While Cedric, Mallory's brother and Hufflepuff's seeker, kept calmed, flying slowly and calmly.

"You know how Gryffindor players are chosen?" Draco said loudly, a few minutes later. "They choose people they feel sorry for. For example, there's Potter, who's got no parents. Then there's the Weasleys, they've got no money." Some Slytherin laughed. "Longbottom, you should be on the team, you've got no brains." Neville's face went bright red and he didn't stay quiet.

"I'm worth twelve of you, Malfoy." Neville said, as Katie got up from her seat, which was just in front of Draco's.

"Draco just shut up already." Katie snapped, she was getting furious by now.

The Slytherins laughed at what Neville said, which just made Draco angrier. They also made fun of Draco, that his little sister was telling him what to do. Malfoys are known to be way too proud, even Katie was.

"Longbottom, if brains were gold, you would be poorer than the Weasleys, and believe me, that's saying something." Draco said.

"I'm warming you, Malfoy..." Ron said, but didn't get to finish his sentence.

Ron had tried really hard to just ignore Draco, and Shannon was being held by Seamus, but Katie was right in front of Draco, looking as she was going to explode from anger.

Without even thinking about it, Katie punched Draco straight in the face, he fell off of his seat, holding his nose. Katie saw blood on his fingers. Maybe she had hit him way too hard. She felt a bit bad about it but she wasn't going to apologize, her pride didn't let her, besides he was being mean to her friends.

Draco stood up quickly and was about to hit Katie when Crabbe and Goyle grabbed him, and Ron and Neville got in front of Katie to protect her.

"This will not end like this, dad will hear about this!" Draco shouted. "And I will tell him you were standing up for blood traitors!"

But none of them really paid attention to him, because Harry had just gone into a dive, earning cheers from the crowd. But even with all the noise, Ron heard another comment Draco said about his family and Harry.

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