Missed Call

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Cassie's' P.O.V

What have I done?

As soon as Jason left the room I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces.

I put this on myself I just.. I don't know what came over me.

It was as if I got ran over by a bus a million times but not even that was worse than this.

"Cassie, Princess it's okay" I hear my dad say. But I already here the doubt in his voice and just hearing him say Princess made me want to hide myself away in a closet.

"I wanna go home" I say.
"You can't Cassie we have to move" My dad says."Fine but go visit Paige and Sarah" I say defiantly. My dad just gives a nod and they leave the room. I take a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in hopefully just maybe I can fix things with Jason again.

But I know that's never going to happen. Love is such a precious thing, and that's why I'm not giving it out to anyone other than my family. Jason for some reason still has a little bit,hardly none.

I can't have any distractions.

6 Months Later

"Stop jumping on my bed you brat" I say groggily. "But I love jumping on your bed" I hear Sarah say giggling in the end. The doctors for some reason left out the fact that Sarah had Hodgkin's lymphoma one of the rarest kinds to heal. Thank god for that. Paige was doing better also. Neither of them had anymore broken bones or anything they were.. Healed.

As for me on the other hand I had to stay in bed for 3 weeks to regain my strength but now I'm as healthy as ever too. Right after I got better we moved to Paris,France. My parents had let Sarah choose where to go and of course she chose there.

We bought the house we used to live in since it was more like home my dad and mom still were lawyers so it worked for them to be in Paris since they had clients there. I got my diploma sent to me by mail. It's funny how I never even went to that school for a long time but I was already getting my diploma, I don't know what I want to be yet but I have a pretty good idea.

My mind has been on my sisters just like how I swore 6 months ago . I haven't talked to any boys well maybe a couple but nothing serious. Jason has been on my mind more than I could hope though. Even if I lost the serious feelings for him..well I think I did. He somehow always ends up on my mind. Every time I go to sleep or daydream his face just pops up in my head those eyes I could get lost in and that hair I loved to run my fingers through and of course hi- shit there I go again.

All of a sudden I feel myself hit a hard surface.

What the fu-

"....Look Paige I got her on the floor..." I hear Sarah say.

"...Nice... Good job Sarah you think she'll stop daydreaming about Jason.... Jason this Jason that oh I miss Jason's eyes I just wanna kiss him mwah mwah....." Paige said making a girly voice at the end and kissy noises.

Alright that's it, "Get out you brats, before i have you guys running out screaming for dad" I say viscously.

I love my sisters but they irk my soul.

They snicker and skip out of my room laughing.

As I try to stand up I just face planted into the ground again tripping over.

Well that's gonna leave a bruise.

Finally after a couple hundred tries I was up and ready to start the day.

After taking a shower and putting on floral shorts with a white crop top I slipped on my black vans and headed downstairs.

"Hi Dad" I say as I plop down and wait for him to finish making my omlete.

"Morning Selena" he says happily.

Did I forget to mention that I had to change my name to Selena Gomez? Everyone else got to keep their names except for me.

I have been tying to keep my slate clean, so I can become a good role model to my sisters.

The only thing that's probably not ever going to change is me being in a gang. There is this one French gang called Mauvaises
Chiennes. They are looking for a new leader, I went to see how they were as a group and love it.

They said that they would get back to me.

This omlete is delicious. I think as I take in forkfuls at a time.
"Her eating represents her attitude, so ugly" I hear my mom say. What the fu- "That's not nice" Sarah says.

"Its okay Sarah, remember that people only rain on your parade because they're jealous of your sun and tired of their shade."
Sarah smiles and nods her head at me then goes back to eating.

"Well I wouldn't have to rain on your parade if your sun wasn't in my shade" my mom says.

That doesn't even -.... Whatever.

I finish my breakfast than leave my plate on the table. Since we can't have maids my mom has to start cleaning the whole house. Sucks to be her. After I run up the stairs for exercise to my room and plop on my bed my heart stops.

My iPhone had just went black but before it did all I saw was

Missed Call: Jason Mcann

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