Chapter 18-- Wanted Dead or Alive

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Bri's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and jerked my head up. I screamed bloody murder, gripping my head in my hands and tearing at my hair.

The room was all white except for a few machines, which were all attached to me. I ripped the wires off and fell off the bed I was laying on. I groaned, hauling myself to my feet and stumbling to the door.

I opened it and fell over out the door. Someone caught me... it was Jordan!

"Jordan?" I whispered. "What happened?"

"I died. Shot in the back. In Amsterville," He replied, whispering.

"Does that mean... does it mean that everyone that dies comes back in the real world?"

"Hello there, Bri," A light voice greeted.

I spun around to see a man in a wheelchair.

"Toby!" I gasped. "What happened?"

Toby sat in the wheelchair because he was missing a leg.

"I, somehow, got it pretty bad. The van flipped and we landed back-end first. There was so much glass and metal in my leg that they had to amputate it..." Toby said sadly.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I whined.

"It's not your fault. Don't worry about it," Jordan interrupted. "I lost my hand. And the others aren't even awake."

The three of us went to visit our friends. When we opened the door to Ivy and Raven's room, they both looked at us, as though they'd been awake for days. They then got up without a word and followed us.

In the next room was Sean. His eyes were wrapped in some sort of gauze.

"So you're awake?" We turned to see the head doctor, who nodded to Sean. "He'll be blind in one eye."

I frowned, asking, "Is everyone handicapped in a way like this?"

"Not as bad. You may have lost feeling in a couple toes, but that's as bad as everyone else," the doctor replied.

We visited everyone else after the doctor left. Adam was missing the tip of a finger. Jerome was missing the tip of his ear. Mitch was said to have lost feeling in a couple fingers on his left hand. Amster was said to have lost feeling in the side of her face.

The last room was Mark's. He was in critical condition; his skin was stained with blood, and he was all mangled up with fists clenched.

"He won't make it. I know he won't."

"Bri," Jordan murmured. "You've got to remember that's not the real Mark."

"How do you know? Maybe one of his demons took over his real body before Amsterville, and now he's back?" I whispered, my voice cracking.

After a few minutes of silence, I asked Jordan, "Do you remember Jessi?"

"That girl who brought us all together?"

"That's her."

"Yeah. I remember her. Come to think of it, Jay looked really similar to her," Jordan pondered.

All of us gasped.

"Jay is Jessi!"

Hey guys, me again! Two updates in a day? Wow! I hope you enjoy this chapter! And remember, stay derpy, my friends. -Ivy

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