[ Chapter Forty-One Through Forty-Four ] || Final with Written Commentary. ||

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Okay. Now this is the final. Only a few left. My brain died so I couldn't do it all. But now it is here!


Chapter 41.

AN: 2 every1 hu kepz flaming diz GIT S LIF!!!!! [I think that you need to get a life as well.] I bet u proly odnt no hu gerod way [Actually, I do know who he is.] is ur proly al prepz and pozers!!!!!!!!11111 neway sum1 hakked in2 mi akkount in November and dey put up my last chaptah but now der is a new 1. im surry 4 nut updating g 4 a while but ive been rilly bizzy. im trying 2 finish da story b4 da new movie kumz out. Im gong on vacation 4 a mons I wont be bak until abott 2 weeks. OMFG drako iz so hot in all da pix 4 da new movie!!!111 I wunted dem 2 put a kameo by geord way lol he hsud play drako. if u flame ill slit muh risztz!!!!!!!!11 [Are you gonna slit your wrists now?] raven u rok gurl hav fun in ingland. [Igloo?]


When I wook up I wuz in a strange room. I loked around I wuz wearing da same outfit I had when is performed wif XBlakXTearX!!!!!11 [Well okay. Sleeping in the same clothing.] I looked arund confusedly. [Well then.] It wuz da Norse's [Horse?] office but it looked difrent!! On da wall wuz a pik of Marlyin Munzon!!!1111 (just imagin dat he is an 80s goffik band 2 ok koz he is more old den panic?! at da dizcko or mcr) [What the fuck?] der wuz also a goffik blak Beatles calander [...The Beatles were not Gothic. That's racist. They were one, if not the only very iconic band of their year.] with a picture of the beetlez werring iyeliner and blak cloves. On it said '1980.'

"OMFG!!! Im back in Tim again!!!!111" [Tim? How the fuck did you get in Tim? And who the hell is Tim?] I screamed loudly. Suddenly Satan(dis is actually voldimort 4 photo refrenss!). [What the fuck?] Voldimort wuz wearing a blak leather Jackson, [Jackson Five? Michael Jackson?] blak tight jeans and fishnet pantz. [Ew??] He looked so sexah I almost had an orgy!!!!11 [My eyes are bleeding.]

"OMFG Enoby r u ok." [Here we go changing your name again.] He asked gothikally. [As you can see, "Gothicly" is underlined in red on my screen. That shit is NOT a WORD. Too. Many. Words. Ending. In. 'ly!']

"Yah Im okay 4 ur in4mation." [Are you too lazy to type 'for' in 'Information?' 'Oh yes, let us leet words!'] I snapped sexily. [I give up. Go to grammar school.] "OMG am I dedd???" [Dad?] koz I remembered I had jumped in front off da bullet from Jame's gun. I also rememberd cing Drako doing it wif Snap!!!!111 [Wif. I'm about ready to go CinemaSins on this. Oh wait, I already am. -Enter Dings everywhere.-]

I guessed dat when I had slit mi wrists I had went bak in tim instead of dieing. [Remember kids, slicing your wrists to bits brings you back in time. Geez.] I knoew I could go forward in time if I found a time-toner or da tim machine. [Slice your leg and you will go forward in time. Trust me. I've done it. Not.]

"No ur not dead." [O know. ur ded.] Satan reassured suicidally [Really?] as he smokd a cigarette sexily [REALLY?] and smoke came all over his face. "Ur a vampire so u kant die frum a bullet. Cum [Cum on over. And I'll come on you.] on now lets go c how Hairy's [Harry's dad is Hairy.] dad is doing."

I noo [Noooooooooooo.] dat da real reason I didn't die from da ballet [B u l l e t.] was koz I was from da future. "WTF!!!! [Once again, this entire bull is a What the fuck moment.] James almust shot Luciious!!!" I said indigoally. [Indigo is a color... How can you--... Never mind..] I knew that James had really ben possezzed, [.......P O S S E S S E D.] but I didn't want him2 know I knew.

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