Chapter twenty-five: Captured

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Sorry sorry sorry! I'm so sorry it took me so long. It's just so busy with school and other stories I'm currently writing. I shall try to make my next update sooner! I want to thank CrazyJanaCat for her help with this.

Jamie's POV

"They've got Draco!" Blaise and Hermione screamed when they entered the commonroom. I looked up from the book I was reading, it was some ancient one from long ago about the guardians, about us. I was just reading something interesting so what was it with Draco?

"Are you sure he isn't just somewhere with (y/n)? You know, working out." Ron said like the arse he could be.

"No because (y/n) ran away after we caught someone who looked like Draco getting a blowjob from Pansy, Ronald." Hermione shot him a dirty look.

"That bastard cheated on her?" Harry said angry. I frowned. I didn't think of Draco as a cheater. There must be more at this.

"He didn't cheat on her." Blaise defended his best friend.

"Someone took a polyjuice and pretended to be Draco." Hermione said. "But (y/n) doesn't know that and she run away."

"What do you mean run away?" Camille and Mary shrieked.

"She thought it was Draco..." Blaise said again. "That's what we mean with run away."

"They probably counted on that." Zane said thoughtfully.

"But why?" Ginny frowned.

"I maybe have an answer." I said, a bad feeling creeping over me. "In this book I read something more about the power from the Guardians..." I hesitated a moment before I started to explain what I just had read. "According to this book," I started.

"Let me guess, you guys have the power to stop Morgana..." Ron said a bit annoyed. We had found that sentence so many times I could understand why, but he still annoyed me so I shot a silent stupefy at him.

"Indeed. But I shall let the book of Secrets explain everything." I took the book (y/n) had left and opened it, grumpy appearing with a worried glance on his face.

"What are you still doing here?" He almost shouted. "(y/n) is in grief danger!"

"We don't know where she is." Harry said between gritted teeth.

"And we hoped you could explain first what the powers of the guardians are." Hermione said in a calm voice. Calming the book.

"They can send Morgana back to her own dimension. It counts for all ghosts and is something only Guardians can do." He said bluntly.

"Well, I suppose that's why they separated (y/n) from us." Ginny mumbled thoughtfully.

"They probably keep Draco as blackmail material."

"Yes they are. Now go and save (y/n) she is at the lake where Draco took her the first day they met." Grumpy said quickly. "Get out!"

I closed the book and put it away safely.

"Does anyone know what lake he is talking about?" I asked worried.

"I think I know." Blaise mumbled. "It's the same lake as the entrance." He explained. "Let's go for a ride." He said, pulling Mary with him. "Hurry up. Drake will kill me if something happens to (y/n)!" I rolled my eyes. Really boys! Oh, speaking of boys. I undid my spell on Ron so he could help us. Luckily the thestrals wanted to help and flew the people who hadn't brooms to the lake as soon as possible. We arrived just in time. Green flashes greeted us and I jumped of my thestral with an awesome summersault landing next to (y/n) and covered by Zeke and Hermione.

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