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Draco's POV

Autumn seemed to arrive early that year while our little family quickly walked through the station. Lyra was keeping my hand firmly in hers, tears streaming down her eyes.

"It won't be long and you'll be going as well." I told my little girl, giving her a reassuring smile. (y/n) was walking next to Scorpius, carrying his owl for him. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at us.

"Come on, we're meeting the others at 9 ¾ she beamed at us. She seemed as enthusiastic as Scorpius. They ran through the wall with ease and Lyra and I followed quickly. Scorpius already had taken off to go and greet Rose and Albus. Harry greeted us, keeping Lily close to him as well. When his youngest daughter spotted Lyra she quickly freed herself from her dad and ran towards us. I released Lyra and walked over to Harry.

"Ron and Camille are late again." I noticed.

"I know. Ginny has been pacing around for over five minutes now. She probably hex them into oblivion if Emma doesn't get here in time." He chuckled.

"I knew we had to pick them up." (y/n) mumbled, joining us. I put my arm around her and kissed her forehead. She had been there every moment, just as she had promised, and had helped me to get back on my feet after that horrible fight. I smiled down at her, she looked beautiful as always. Yes, you could see she had aged a bit, but to be honest it only made her more beautiful.

"Emma!" Rose' voice beamed through the station when the little redhead came through the wall. I chuckled when her parents arrived as well, panting and carrying little Dan. He was five years old now.

"I see they made it in time." Marry and Blaise joined us, their twins, Orion and Diana were a year older then Scorpius and had taken off with James already.

"Emma, glad you could join us." I heard Jamie say. "Come here, I want the four of you to send a toilet rill home for me. You know, as a souvenir." She chuckled.

"Jamie." I heard (y/n)'s amused voice. "Where do you need a souvenir for? We'll be teaching again this year so I don't see why you need to encourage the kids to get in trouble. Was Teddy not bad enough?" I chuckled softly when she said that. (y/n) was teaching transfiguration at Hogwarts and Jamie DADA. That's why we had searched for a vacation home close to the school so we could see each other every night.

"They have good toilet rills." I heard Jamie's retort.

"Quick, the train is leaving in a minute!" Camille yelled. The rush that followed from getting everyone boarded and making sure all the luggage was on the train, made me chuckle.

"You're in a good mood." (y/n) said, after everything was done.

"I have everything I want right here with me. why wouldn't I be happy?" She smiled at me before giving me a small kiss.

"I love you to." She muttered in my ear.

The end

I hope you liked the story :) This is the first story ever I put on Wattpad and ending it is like saying goodbye to an old friend. I hope everyone is happy with how it went, if I disappointed someone I'm sorry. 

Have a good day!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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