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Song - Photography by Ed Sheeran.

Missing someone is the worst thing ever when you know you won't see them for an entire year and they were nothing short of close to your heart. Its never hearing their laugh, their voices, or smiling with their happy faces. The kind of people you miss aren't people who you've had your share of even ups and downs, it's missing those who are so amazing they make all those downs disappear because you're too busy having ups.
And when you're with them, you take countless amounts of photos and videos but it seems like it's never enough. Enough is where you have a picture of every second that happens so you can never lose a perfect moment. But then again, every moment with them is a perfect moment.

Missing someone is crying yourself to the point of your entire body shaking and shuddering and texting them at 2 AM about how much you miss them and you can't wait to see them again with a smiley emoticon when really, you're not smiling. You're pulling, an ugly, tear stained face because everything goes wrong when you aren't with them and you long to see them again even if you just did last week.

Missing someone is listening to that same song that makes you cry just because you relate to is so much and you look through all those old photos you wish you could just jump back into to relive every single moment. Slowing it all down as well as you could to never make it end. Trading an entire year to spend a whole day with them again. Whether its a single friend or four. Whenever all five of you reunite you feel as if nothing stops you but when you're separated, the world comes crashing down on you and the only ones who can pull you out from under it are those four best friends.

Missing someone is dreaming of the day you all meet up again for an entire summer and you hug every single one of your four best friends, even the one you've had a crush on ever since you began speaking to each other. It's imagining the endless conversations you'll all have and the inside jokes you'll talk about and all those great amazing stories you'll retell. It's writing down every moment you remember having with them and rereading every text conversation you've had and crying over those you've lost touch with.

Missing someone is listening to that song you both know the entire words to and make it "your song" and crying every single time it comes on. Its explaining to your school friends why you're teary-eyed and controlling yourself not to lose it in their own car. It's replaying it over and over until your cheeks and eyes are dry but then crying all over again. It's associating a song with every single one of them so that when you hear it you'll instantly think of them. It's remembering the songs they hated and laughing at how you would always turn the volume all the way up and dancing just to spite them but you love them to death. It's remembering to listen to their recommendations and thanking their music taste. It's clicking instantly and all four of you loving the same bands. Its the difference in all you that brings you all together. It's wanting them to bother you just one last time to see their face. It's calling them over and over whether they answer or not to hear their voice on the call or on the voicemail. It's remembering how stupidly you all would dance when any song you knew came on the radio (which is all of them). It's singing the lyrics in perfect harmony (or not so perfect) and laughing and smiling up at the sky, thanking for these such brilliant friends you have.

Missing someone it's retelling all these amazing hilarious stories you've created with them to all your school friends but they don't understand and they easily get annoyed because you talk about these fantastic four people so much that they're everything. It's posting a photo on Facebook or Instagram every once and a while and captioning it with inside jokes and quotes about how you can't live without them and their like oxygen, helping you breathe and stay alive. Its as if someone's shredding your heart in pieces every time they bring those special people up.

Missing someone is crying everyday. Everyday that it becomes routine and hoping that you'll never drift apart and longing to see their cheerful faces. It's getting excited because you know the minute you see them, you'll instantly be happier than anyone else could make you. But it's also getting sad because you know you won't see them for a long while.

Missing someone is the worst thing in the world.

Dedicated to the amazing Rachel, the great Kaiden, my bestfriend Jojo, and the one and only Emily.

I love you wonderful humans more than anything in the world. And if you ever see this, know that I love and miss you all dearly. See you all soon in summer.

Feelings? Feelings. ∞حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن