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Imagine having a friend who you laugh with and smile with and talk to every chance you see each other.
Who would tease you and call you stupid nicknames but doesn't really mean it.

Imagine having the kind of friend that throws marshmallows at you and telling you endless stories about their life. Having the kind of friend who will push you over in water but also help you up. The kind who makes you laugh so hard you throw your head back and make your stomach hurt. Who makes you smile at the thought of them
because their mere existence brings you pure happiness.

Imagine having a friend who you can carry an entire conversation with for days on end and you could fill an entire notebook of all your inside jokes and favorite things. Who knows everything about you, and maybe a few of your dark secrets. Who knows all the lyrics to your favorite songs and are their favorites too. Who is willing to talk about your favorite things and won't get bored easily. The kind who would be one of your first picks on going on an endless road trip with or on any adventure. The friend that you would trust anything with and you would love never losing touch because they have such a huge part in your life. Bigger than even you know yourself. Who you don't miss until they not with you, then you realize that you actually need them.

Imagine this kind of friend being a boy.

Imagine falling in love with every little thing this boy does and not being able to get out of this never ending pain of loving him. He brings you happiness without knowing it. He makes you smile at the though of his presence without knowing it. He makes you fall in love with him a little bit more every day without knowing it. He makes you feel better without knowing it. Imagine falling in love with him without him knowing and you can't bring yourself to tell him because your friendship is much more important. Imagine never seeing them for the longest time ever and it's tearing you soul apart with all this distance. But to him, you're nothing more than a best friend. Because he has no idea how much he means to you. He's not missing you as much as you are missing him, he's not crying at night over how the distance between you is unbearable, he's not counting down the days until you see each other again. He's just an unknowing soul.

Imagine falling so hard in love that you feel absolutely no emotion for your old crushes because you're just reserving you heart just for the one guy that doesn't even know that you love him. Your heart is only a thread and he has more power than anyone in the world to cut it. To everyone and him, you two are just really great friends. To yourself, he's your oxygen.

Dedicated to a certain someone. You know who you are. Or not. Miss you tons dude.

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