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Love can be a weird thing.

What am I saying, it is a weird thing.

It can be falling in love with someone you've know for years

or someone you've just met.

It's kinda crazy how easily you can slip into your emotions.

There's like five stages.

The first one is when you meet or when you realize that you might like them or you can see yourself liking them in the future. Then it all snowballs.

The next stage (#2) is when you think to yourself, okay, this person is pretty much the greatest. I think I do like him/her.

Then (#3) you start telling people about your new crush. It all starts off with telling your closest friend. And then you feel the need to tell your next closest friend. And eventually everyone seems to know about it. The more you talk about him/her the easier it is for you to fall in love with them.

Fourth stage and you start becoming more social. You try to submerge yourself in conversation with them, taking risks and big leaps just to have them notice you and for them to know you exist.

Fifth stage you're pretty much screwed. You fall waaaayyyy wayyy in love and crush hard. You can't stop talking about him/her and you start wanting to tell everyone about this lovely person.

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