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She stepped into her new high school. John Quincy Adams High was different than John Quincy Adams Middle. She was scared but with her best friends by her side, she felt safer than she would have without them. The big high school was new to all of them. They were all nervous and scared. They saw seniors practically spitting on younger students for saying hello. There were juniors trying to seem big and tough, when they were just one step down. The sophomores all walked around knowing where they were going and what they were doing, but staying out of everyone else's way. Then there were the freshmen. Each one was lost and confused, but knew better then to come within two feet of anyone else older than them. Riley, Maya, Farkle, and Lucas were all freshmen, as you had probably figured out before. The four of them were greeted by the vice principal, who directed them to the office where they could pick up their schedules, locker number, and combinations. Lucas went in first. When he was finished, he came out of the office and waited for the next three. Farkle and Maya did the same. Riley was last. None of them had said a single word up until they reached their lockers. Riley and Lucas were right next to each other. Both of them were secretly ecstatic about this. They liked each other but had never told anyone about it. The only time they showed any affection towards each other around anyone else was the first time they had met. Riley fell into Lucas' lap on the subway in the seventh grade. They instantly had feelings, but no one ever saw them after that. Maya's locker was across from theirs' but Farkle was down on the end of the hallway. Luckily, they all were in the same homeroom: history with Mr. Matthews. Riley's dad. He taught them in seventh and eighth grade as well. None of them really minded though. They all loved his teaching style. It was different than any other teacher in the world.

When they arrived to class, everyone was there but them. Mr. Matthews was even there and he's always late. "Ah, the core four," he spoke, "you have finally decided to show up."

"Dad, the second bell hasn't even rung yet," Riley fought back.

"Well since you were last I assumed it had rung and I missed it."

"Well you thought wrong."

Just then the second bell rang, initiating the start of class. History flew by like that. So did the rest of the day. The only other classes all of them had together were gym and art. It was slightly disappointing, but Riley and Maya had almost all their classes together, and Lucas and Farkle had almost all their classes together. High School was good so far, but Riley wanted something more than hidden feelings from Lucas. She hoped that high school would bring them out.


Lucas had other friends. He was also friends with the jocks: Zay, Billy, and Rebel. The three of them were into the popular girls. They thought Lucas was too. He lied to them. He told them he liked Missy. But on the first day of High School, he decided to tell them the truth.

"Guys, I-I gotta t-tell you something," he stuttered.

"What is it bro?" Zay asked.

"I don't actually like Missy."

"Then who do you like? Lindsay?" Billy wondered.


"Riley?" All three boys asked in unison.



"Maya, I have to tell you a secret," Riley whispered to her best friend.

"Secret?" Maya asked, "We don't keep any secrets from each other. This must be big."

"It is. I never told you who I like."

"Well, then who do you like?"


"Lucas? You like Ranger Rick?"

"Well, yeah. He's perfect."

"Do you think he likes you?"

"Yeah. I think he does."


Farkle was sitting in Mr. Matthews room with the rest of the spelling team. But he couldn't focus on spelling. He could only focus on one specific speller. Isadora Smackle. Smackle was practically his girlfriend at this point. At least he hoped. He saw something he never saw in Riley and Maya. He was in love with them since the first grade, but in eighth he fell for Smackle and everything changed. Smackle was something different to him. She was beautiful on the inside and out. She was smart. The fact that she had Aspergers didn't scare him at all. He loved her no matter what. She was one of the best things that had ever happened to him.


Maya Hart. A misunderstood girl with lots of problems. This is what she thought as she sat on her bed. Riley's the only person who gets me. Of course she had Lucas and Farkle but she wasn't as close with them. She decided to text her boyfriend of almost four months, Joshua Matthews. She was Riley's uncle. He was 3 years older than her but she didn't care at all. He didn't care anymore either. He loved her. She loved him. They hadn't told each other yet, but Maya suddenly found the courage to do so.

Hidden Feelings // rucasWhere stories live. Discover now