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"I love you" No response. Maya was getting worried she had scared him off. She was worried he didn't know if he loved her yet. After 10 minutes of paining wait and worry, she put her phone down and laid back trying to think of something else to do. Maybe she could head over to Riley's. One problem; Josh is Riley's uncle. Thoughts of him would come flurrying to her. She couldn't take it. She thought of hanging out with Farkle, until she realized that he was probably at Topanga's with Smackle. She couldn't hang out with Lucas, that would just get Riley upset. Now knowing that she liked Lucas, Riley was vulnerable. Even though Maya had already known. It was obvious; the way she acted around him said it all. She just sat alone in my room, waiting for a response.


Riley walked into the Matthew's new apartment with a huge smile on her face. She went into the nursery to see her little brother Elliot. He was 8 months old and the reason they moved. He was awake in his crib so Riley picked him up and told him all about her day like she usually did when she got home. "Today was the first day of school," she started, "I found out that I have the same schedule as Lucas and our lockers are right next to each other. It was a great day. I wish you could've been there. I missed you bud." He smiled making Riley chuckle. She kissed his forehead before laying him back down, which he really didn't mind. He seemed to like his crib a lot which was unusual for a baby. Suddenly she got a text from Lucas. It read, 'Hey Ri. Wanna meet up at Topanga's later. With Zay and Farkle of course.'

Riley squealed and ran in place like a little girl. Just the fact that Lucas asked her felt like enough. Even though Zay and Farkle were included. 'Sure, but what about Maya?' Riley responded. Fifteen seconds later, her phone buzzed again.

'I asked her but she rejected us.'

'ok then. What time?'


'sounds good'

Fifteen minutes. Riley had fifteen minutes to get ready. She quickly reapplied her makeup and decided not to change her clothes. She figured the boys would've thought she was trying too hard.

She got there at 4:00 on the nose. Everybody else was already there of course. "Hey guys. What's up?"

"Not much we just thought we could hang out." Lucas responded

"Riley," Zay commented, "do you know why Maya blew us off?"

"I have no idea." the brown haired girl responded.

As if on cue, Maya walked in.

"Maya, We thought you weren't coming." Farkle began.

"What's going on?" Riley added, "You never reject us."

"Oh it was nothing. I was just a little distracted with something. Don't worry, I'll tell you about it later." She clarified.

Everyone walked over from the counter to their usual seats after a group of kids who were sitting in them left. The five of them talked about a bunch of nonsense for a while until Maya's phone buzzed.

She smiled and said, "This is why I blew you guys off."

She held out her phone and on it read: 'From Josh: I love you too'

Hidden Feelings // rucasWhere stories live. Discover now