4 // Because of You

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I sat down on my dressing table, applying a thick layer of mascara to make my eyelashes stand out more, and drew a perfectly shaped winged tick on the corner of my two eyes. "Now this will probably make everyone's attention move away from the dark eye bags under my eyes." I said to myself.

I quickly changed from my comfortable pajamas into my uniform and adjusted my skirt length just so it was right above my kneecaps. "Wow it's cold" I complained

I walked downstairs and grabbed some food from the fridge and shoved it into my mouth while I put my bag onto both my shoulders and left the house.

I could feel the cold breeze hit pass my face as soon as I walked outside the door.

"Brrrr it's so cold" I shivered.

While I was walking, I grabbed my phone out and dialed Sarah's number so I could organize a place to meet up with her at school.

"Hannah! You finally called me first! You're coming to school today right?" She's asked enthusiastically.

"I'm coming today! Let's meet up at the front of the school gates okay?" I responded.

"Sure! See you in a bit!" She said and hung up.

It's been a week since I've been to school. I've missed out on so many classes, but what can I do? I guess I'll just have to stay extra longer to study for the lessons I've missed out. I've already missed out on quite a lot and it'll be really hard for me to study while being under so much stress.

"Aish" I said quietly to myself.


I felt my shoulder being knocked harshly and fell to the ground.

"Ah, I'm sorry I wasn't paying atten-" I said while trying to get up and off from the floor and saw him

He was staring at me with his eyes opened wide like I was some kind of threat to him.

Seeing him made me realize that my parent's death was all because of him. Everything was his fault.

If he hadn't walked into me that night and blocked me from going home, then I would have been able to meet my parents once more or maybe even stop them from dying.

I stared at him with anger in my eyes.

I could feel flames burning up inside my eyes and I could see the reflection of the angry expression I had in his pupils.

"Move." He demanded.

"Move?" I asked with a shocked tone.

"Is that all you can say? It was because of you! You were the reason why my parents died! How could you be so rude! If it wasn't for you I would've been able to see my parents for the last time!" I shouted at him.

I could feel the tears trying to escape from my eyes, but I couldn't let that happen. I can't show him the weak side of me.

"How is it because of me? You were the one who bumped into me. Shouldn't you be saying sorry for bumping into me twice now?" He said with a cocky tone.

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