18 // Murdered By 'Her' Parents

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Two years have passed, and many things have changed.

Hannah has become an official spy just like her deceased parents and she now has the abilities to fight and do very dangerous missions.

She's been training daily and now is one of the top spies in Korea.

She and Taehyung both complete missions together and Jungkook has gotten closer with her. They don't fight as much but they still don't like each other that much.

Jungkook as expected, has secretly been working as a top spy, too.

No one has found out about his secret actions and he doesn't plan on revealing this.

He only has one aim and that is to find out the truth behind the death of Hannah's parents.

However, as he finds out about this, he discovers many more hidden secrets....

And he finds out more things that Taehyung does, including the dark secrets of his family and what Manager Lee is actually trying to do.

Taehyung however, is changing.

He's now more secretive with the things he does. He isn't so open towards Hannah anymore.

And why?

Because he found out something.

He found out that his parents aren't his real parents and his current parents have been secretly working under Manager Lee.


Narrator's POV

"Taehyung, my son, I hope you grow up to be someone just like your father." His mother said to him with a calm smile on her face.

"We need to make sure he forgets everything." Another voice was heard.

This time the voice sounded more familiar, like someone who is always around him.

Who could be it?

"Ring ring ring, Ring ring ring" rang his phone, waking him up from his so called 'dream'

Taehyung simply ignored the call and continued to sleep.

However the phone continued to ring and ring until Taehyung finally picked up.

"What?!" He growled.

"Taehyung I found out something very important," the voice paused. "What do you mean?"

"It's about you." The voice said in a serious tone, making the news found like something bad had happened.

It was Manager Lee who had just called him.

The atmosphere over the phone was cold and silent.

"Alright. I'll be there in a second." Taehyung answered and hung up.

Taehyung got out of his bed and began to think about why he had the recurring dream about his mother and another person, whom it was a female.

That familiar yet unfimiliar voice made him curious to find out who the women was and why she had said those words.

"We need to make sure he forgets everything."

What did the women in his dream mean by those words?

What has he forgotten?

He continued to think about it as he drove over to find Manager Lee.

Nothing makes sense anymore.


"Taehyung you're finally here." Code 7 said.

He smiled at her and they walked into the headquarters to meet Manager Lee.

Taehyung bowed down to Manager Lee as a greeting.

"We've discovered something big, again," Code 7 sighed as Taehyung's parents walked in. "What is it this time?" He shouted, "are you going to tell me everything was a mistake and my real parents are still alive?!"

"No we're here to tell you the truth behind the death of your real parents." His mum spoke out.

"Listen here, when you were little, your parents and us, we were very close. We worked as spies and everything was going well..." His father began to explain slowly.

"Until they appeared." Manager Lee bluntly spoke out emphasizing her tone when she had said they.

"Who are they?" Taehyung interrupted.

"Hannah's parents." Manager Lee revealed and everything went silent.

"They murdered your parents apparently." Code 7 blurted out and quickly covered her mouth as soon as she had said that.

Things went silent.

"You don't have any evidence to say that!" Taehyung shouted with anger. "How could you people say something like this!"

"Taehyung please calm down, it's not that we wanted you to find out this way, we really need your help now!" His parents both shouted.

"How do you expect me to believe those words!"

"We have evidence." Manager Lee finally declared, "whether you believe us or not it is up to you. However I do hope that you can co-operate with us and act maturely with this situation."

Taehyung was devastated.

Thoughts of his parents being killed by the parents of the girl he's loved for so many years made him devastated yet confused.

How could something like this have happened?

Taehyung ran out of the headquarters, angry and frustrated.

He drove off in his car, speeding his way through the roads, not caring about his surroundings thinking about how unfair this world is.

"Why why why?!" He shouted to himself, tears pouring down his face when suddenly...


His car had slammed head on with another car.


HMMMMMM. a secret is revealed?! HMMMMMM....

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