7 // Unfaithfulness

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A chapter written for Jungkook and Taehyung's Point of View;;

Jungkook's POV

"Hyung come in." I said to Taehyung and he walked inside.

"Hey." He greeted coldly.

"I'll get you some water?" I asked him.

"No, let's just start talking about what happened on that night?"

"Before I tell you everything, you have to promise me you wont tell Hannah anything I said." I stated.

He nodded and I could hear the silent "depends on the situation" he had whispered.

"So, on that night, I had an argument with my parents. You know how they've been wanting to arrange a marriage for me?"

Taehyung nodded.

"Well, I got mad so I ran out of the house and while I was running, Hannah and I bumped into each other. Since I was mad, I couldn't control my anger and took out all of my anger on her and started making a huge fuss about it." I explained.

"Carry on." He proceeded.

"Then we got into this huge argument and that's when suddenly I heard loud gun shots coming from a house near us. I saw Hannah trying to run over there, but I thought she was trying to run away from me, until I realized that the sound had come from her house. I flung my arms away and ran over and then I saw the two bodies lying on the floor, surrounded by a pool of dark red blood."

Scenes of that night started to flash in my mind.

Screaming and crying from Hannah started to play throughout my blank mind.

"It was really crazy. She was screaming and cryi-"

"So that's why you called me afterwards?" Taehyung interfered.

"Yeah. But I still don't get why she was so mad at me afterwards. I mean all I did was yell at her for bumping into me and -"

"Are you stupid or what?!" He interrupted me.

"Of course she would be mad at you! You ruined the chance for her to meet her parents! Her parents never came home! They were always so busy and that night was the night when they finally came back to have a family dinner!" Taehyung shouted

Oh shit.

So she was mad at me for ruining her chance of meeting her parents, and not because of me saying all those rude things?

Well it wouldn't even be surprising if she was mad at me for both of those things.

She hardly got the chance to meet her parents and I ruined her dinner?

Suddenly I felt all the guilt building up inside my heart, feeling terrible for what I had done. I wish I had never done anything like this.

Way to go Jeon Jungkook.

"I never knew- I really didn't think this would have happened! I'll  go and apologize to her tomorrow!" I shouted back.

"Do you really think she wants to see you? She freaking hates you! An apology isn't going to bring her parents back!" Taehyung screamed at me.

I started to feel horrible. My throat got dry and I began to feel sweat dripping down my forehead.

What's with this feeling? I never feel bad about the things I do to people.

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