Chapter 2. Black with two sugars

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Chapter 2.

Black with two sugars.

"Why are you up so early?" Wendy, at least Bill thought that was her name (he only had roommates because he couldn't afford an apartment by himself with this shitty teacher job), asked, already half out the door while Bill was shaving his face. Wendy worked at some factory in another city, so she had to be up much earlier than the rest of them.

"Found a new target. How's your 'coping'—" He leaned out the bathroom to do the quotation marks gesture with his fingers"—going?"

Wendy scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Okay shut up, I'm totally over him."

"You've never been over anyone in your entire life, Red." He heard the door unlock and open.

"Whatever manwhore, byeee!" Before the door clicked closed he heard a playful chuckle from her, and smiled into the mirror at himself.

This was about the first time Bill has ever really made small talk with his roommates, the other flatmate being some awkward fat guy he didn't remember the name of. It was nice, for once talking to someone you know you aren't going to hook up with after a day. At least he hoped he wouldn't.

The blonde didn't even notice that he was already putting toothpaste on his toothbrush, or rather drowning it in minty fresh goo. Half the tube gone in one morning, great.

"I'll just chew some gum." He mumbled to himself, styling his hair and dressing up (he always kept his clothes in the bathroom, it was the fastest way to get ready in the morning). Once he looked as perfect as one can be, with his black trousers, gold dress shirt and black vest, as well as a blue tie to accent his outfit a bit more, and obviously the fanciest leather shoes a middle school teacher could afford, Bill was ready to go out although he didn't know what he could do at four o'clock in the morning in a damn ball worthy outfit with only a barista (he hoped the boy from yesterday) to keep him company, or maybe some other customers.

Either way, he grabbed his keys, wallet, phone, and a bag as today he would have to check his class' homework, which if you count all five of his classes is a shit ton to check (and it probably weighed a ton too).


It was foggy today, and it would probably rain, which Bill didn't like all that much. He much preferred the sun, or, as a last resort to cold dry weather, snow. But at least no kids would want to go outside today, which meant he was off playground duty and could check some more of the homework. Oh what a joy.

Lost in his thoughts he almost walked past the cafe, good thing it was on the corner and easily distinguished. He walked in, the bell ringing again. The cafe was empty, except for the barista of course: which to Bill's disappointment wasn't the boy from yesterday, but some blonde girl with makeup way too bold for her age.

"Hey, where's the boy from yesterday? Isn't he supposed to work on mornings?"

She looked him up and down, replying only a second later. "Dipper twisted his ankle. Your order?"

Bill paused to think about it. "Medium black please."

It took her longer than it took—Dipper, was it?— to make him a cup of coffee, but at least he didn't forget sugar today; two cubes.

Dipper. That's a cute name.  

//ehh.. i tried lmao
also hey i got 5 more views overnight this is practically a world record

edit: i'll be uploading once every 2 days at 7-9 pm gmt+3! hopefully

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