First Day At Seirin High, Reunion!

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'SEIRIN HIGH', The big bold words that welcomed me when my car reached the school. And why is it not a limo(thankfully!) you ask? Well i have to practically cry and make 'THE FACE' at Otomi to get her to let me ride in a car instead of a limo and seriously, I already tried reasoning with her that 'I don't want to be drawing attention to myself' and it didn't work because she wants the opposite. And I also already tried 'I want to have a normal school life' even though I don't think going to the same school as my thick headed brother whose mind only have basketball will make it any normal. *Insert sweatdrop*

I really think that he was dropped multiple times on the head when he was a baby like a basketball.*Sigh*

"Tora chan, have fun on your first day! And try not to get into trouble okay? Oh and Tony(Driver) will pick you both up after school!" Otomi said to me as I got out of the car. 'Well, it's now or never!' I thought as I walked to my second class of the day as I already missed one thanks to Otomi forgeting to buy me an alarm clock. And that Kagami didn't bother to wake me up. I can't blame him though, as I was always on tours and hardly stayed at home.

The class is practically empty when I walk in and so I just took a seat at the back next to the window and just stare at the chirping birds slowly drifting off to my dreamland AKA 'Pocky Land'

A tap on the shoulder got me out of my dreamland(Surprise!) and I looked to my left to glare at the person and did a double take as the person I saw was Kuroko Tetsuya, the only friend I have kept in touch with since my exchange program back in middle school.

"Tetsuyaaaaaa!" I cried as I stood up and hugged the blue eyed cutie practically to death. "Hello Tora chan." Tetsuya greeted back as he got out of my death hug.

"I missed you so much that even my pocky is crying!"(No idea what she just said) "You haven replied to my message for almost month now! I was so worried something happened to my milkshake partner!!" I shouted as I wack him on the head a few times.

"Sorry Tora chan, I dropped my phone while walking and it needed to get fix so I couldn't reply you." He said as we went back to our seat.(He is sitting behind me)

"Oh, then I forgive you! here's a pocky to celebrate our reunion!" I said and I handed him one of my precious.

"Why are you here in Japan Tora chan?" Tetsu asked as he kept his pocky in his bag.

"Well, I missed you and my baka brother wanted to come to Japan and play basketball. Speaking of basketball, where are the others?" I asked him as I munch on my pocky.

"They are all at different schools. And is your brother Kagami Taiga?" he asked me while looking out the window.

"Ehhhh?! How come?! I thought you all were going to go to the same high school!! And how did you know? Have you met my brother?" I asked him while munching on my second box of pocky.(It's too yummy to stop!)

"Something happened on our third year of middle school and we decided to go to different school. And I am in the basketball team with your brother." He replied while looking down which I know the 'Something' isn't good but before I could ask him about it, the teacher came in and told the class to settle down.

"Alright class, today we have a new student, can you please stand up?" the teacher said and I stood up unwillingly as I do not like close attention but rather large crowds I am fine with. "Class this is Kagami Tora, do make her feel welcome. Would you like to-"*BAM* The door slammed open as Kagami Taiga, also known as Baka-niisan to me, came running in.

"Sorry sensei!" he said as he ran to his sit which is right infront of mine.

"Don't let it happen again Mr Kagami! And-wait, is Ms Kagami Tora your sister?" the teacher asked the baka infront of me who is still panting.

"Yeah she is- wait, you're in my class?! And when did you reach Japan?!" he turned around and practically shouted at my face.

I faceplammed and said "Yes niisan I am in your class. I came home yesterday and texted you before I slept! You didn't even see it because you went to play basketball right?" I replied wanting to wack him right now.

"Alright class, let's start our lesson now" sensei said ending me and my brother's conversation. And for the rest of the class, I wasn't in my pocky land as I was still thinking of the 'Something' Kuroko had said. What really happened? I could sense that tint of sadness even though he hides it really well under that calm and emotionless mask... Well i'll just have to ask him after school!


Phew! A really long chapter! Hope it was okay!

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