The Mailk Cousin Part 41

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The next morning i woke up to the sound of glass braking the next thing i knew i could hear Madsion out for help i ran down to she what was going on when i had got there i saw her Ex Jake out the door and trowing her into the back of a van I could not get to her in time . SO i ran and got Zayn up

Naill - Zayn Jake got Madison we need to find her before he does something to her

Zayn - clam down Naill i think we should tell my family about this and call Simson he will know what to do he can help us fine the way to get her back we need to keep it together she would want that because god knows what Jake will do if we done try and fine her

Naill - we better fine her because she my everything i'm not going to lose her to that shirt head is going down no one will hurt my baby because i love her and i need so dam much

Zayn - and we will get her back come on we need to tell my family and simson like i said we need to get her back safe and sou

Me and Zayn them went and told his family that Madsion was kidnap and by her ex boyfriend and the we called simson because this not good i mean we are some what famous now and if it gets out that .Madsion is missing it will all be over the news .This just nuts i need my bady back safe and sound because madsion is everything to me . I just hope that she all right for now and he not hurting her right now because . I love her so much .A s i was thinking this zayn took me out of my thoughts

Zayn - Naill don't worry simson coming over with Scott Land Yard to see what they can do and he bring some more bodygaurds this getting more and more real got knows what that nut job will be doing to madsion so come on lets wait for simson and the lads and the gals to come over becasue we be strong for her we need do what best for her right now i know you want to try and fine her i do to but we need to do want right .

Naill - your right we need to stay strong if we are going to fine her because i'm so worry about her and if he lays one hand i her i will yell my head off at him and show him A Thing or tow

Just as i was saying this Simson show up he walked in with zayn family and Scott Land Yard and the lads and gals and the bodygaurds because this so bad right now we need her back safe and sound they call could tell i was freaking out in side about this . I hope she keeping herself safe and trying to stay strong and not doing anything to get herself hurt , because i can't have my baby going thought that kind on thing i could feel everyone eyes on me and they could tell mine at a lose for words right now .because i feel like i let my baby down . and simson took me out of my thoughts

Simon - Nail come on now i can tell that your thinking you should have stop jake but you did not know that he had got into the house and he wait tell madsion went down to get something to eat so you had know way of knowing that he was in the house everyone was a sleep or in other rooms you gys did not know he was going to break in and take madsion now we need to work on getting her back don't think this your fault and keep in mine she loves you and she would not wanting you blame yourself would she

Nailll - your right i just want her home safe and sound where she needs to be because i love her

Simson - well lets get her back nice and safe i just hope we hear from jake because he must of took her for some reason but what was the reason

Just as simson had said that his cell phone went off and it was Jake

SIMON- hello

Jake - mr cowell i have madson and i took her because she was mine before niall and if i cant have her know one can but it you all want her back nice and sound i want $70000 and i want Niall to bring and to come a lone and if he don't i'm going to have some funny with madsion you have 42 hours to get the money or else i'm going to have some fun with madsion if you know what I mean and then i will call you and tell you where i want Naill to meet me 42 hours

Simon - okay i will get the money and i will make sure there no cops and i will be waiting for your call just please don't hurt madsion ill be waiting for call and Naill will bring the money

Jake - good mr cowell and just to show you that i have not hurt her yet she can talk to you

Madsion - Simson

Simon - madsion are you okay he as not hurt you or anything as he

Madsion - no not yet anyway but he say if you guys don't do what he said he will so i'm fine tell my family and niall and my firends i love them and i hope you all fine me soon and i love you like family to simson your please get me home safe and sound because god to knows what jake will do

Simson- okay you listen to him if will keep you safe but fight him if you need to

madsion - i will just please get me out of here

Jake - now you know she fine 42 hours to get the money you will hear from me then

Simson - Okay

Soon as Simson got off of the phone he turn to me and Scott Land Yard and ask me if i'm willing to bring the money to get madsion back safe and sounds

Naill - i will do anything to get my baby back safe and sound just tell how where going to do this because we only have 42 hours to get the money whats the plane

Scott Land Yard - what where going to do is get the money and your going to bring it to him but where going to put something in so we can track him down just in case he try something and where going to make you where a Ear phone that really small he will not see it better then a wire so we can hear everything without him knowing and we will have a van not to far away do you think that you can handle all of that Naill

Naill - yes because i'm not letting anyone hurt my baby again

just holed on madsion im coming for you

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