the Malik cousin part 50

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Zayn pov

I woke up the next morning got dressed and went downstairs I could tell that my cousin was really tired last night because she worked really hard yesterday in the studio and she's very excited at the fact that she's going to be married one day. I'm so happy for actually because Madison had a hard time for she can have the Bradford and if anybody tries to f*** with her I'm going to beat the crap out of them it's more than just my cousin she's like my sister and I can't believe that only now in a couple more days me her and the rest of One Direction a lot of my babies grow up little mix you're all getting ready to hit the wrong with my first ever tour hard to believe that dreams are coming true well let's see if this to do the best we can I can't believe right now we're going to be on top of the world anyway I wanted to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast like I said because I didn't want to disturb the rest of family when I got there my dad was already there any wonder why you up so early.

Zayn - morning dad what you doing up so early

Yester I'm just up really because I just got back from the hospital I didn't double shift there on a couple of doctors because of a 10 car pile up some people in the accident kids got to stay in the hospital which is not right one of the other than girls that was there dumb she was playing on your way back from the X Factor and she had a big smile on her face when she said was keep your spirits up no I asked her she like One Direction and Little mix and she said that she will realize
I told her I might be able to get her Madison's and your autograph that's okay she's such a little sweetheart she has inherited would I be able to do that for her I told her that I was your father and then I'm Madison uncle.

Zayn - but that's really need a little girls day anyway here's my autograph I'll even get a couple other things the posters and then sign up for her as well cuz she seems like that little girl can you something to brighten up your day I'm up so early because we got to be back in the studio even though it's got the album done we have to do a quick drive through her soul all day probably hit the road into a 3 days I can't believe we're actually going on our first tour.

Yester will believe it when you hit the big time you are one of the biggest pop band on the planet you are just getting started and I'm going to tell you right now I couldn't be more proud of the man that you're coming you are one hell of a man into this right now you need to be true to who you are okay let anyone put you down due to your race or anything ok.

Zayn - I won't let anything like that happen cuz you put me in the position to know to do what's right for myself and for my family tell me always have a stand tall and I'm thankful for that to you. I may not say it a lot to you but I you dad

Yester I know you love me son.

Madison walked into to the kitchen hand in hand with Niall

Madison morning uncle yester because you ready for another day in the studio where we have to dust the house and having that fully hit the road this is going to be totally crazy I mean I don't know how have I gone from being a small town girl in
PEl Canada to living my dream as one of the best people out there singing the one of the best pop bands out there

Zayn - is called working for an achievement does you deserve this just as much as the rest of us you have a wonderful voice and everyone is so proud of the woman that you become like I said you're more than a cousin to me and my crazy sister from another mother and you are just as nuts as I am that is why I called you crazy by the way sometimes people think of me and you was crazy twins even though we're only cousins but then again we did prank people like growing up

Madison - yes we do crazy stuff like that all the time come to think of it though you were always the mastermind for some reason when it comes to pranks you were so devious but then again now we have Luis that is that so it's going to be crazy when the two of you want or do things like that because I know what your like you can't resist the opportunity to prank someone and it seems like him lately on bloody victims of pranks

Uncle yester yes but something you guys were always pranking people when you were younger and then one time I came downstairs you were here than at the time Madison you were back home with your mother and your cousin here he crazy glued two sisters but to kitchen counter

Madison hey cuz that was just mean there's pranks in this chicken planks a little too far you know the next time I hear that you doing something like that you're getting a double triple atomic wedgie that should suffice if you know what I'm talking about so no more picking on our younger siblings and I think of them more as my sisters and cousins just like you do the same towards me and I think of you as my big brother the hill drive me up the wall but I love you for it.

Niall - you I sit back and I said what goes on between you too because you act more like brother and sister than you do cuz its which is nice to see.

Madison yes it is baby well we better go now if we don't want Simon to have heads

And with that me Madison and Niall head out the door to live are dreams I hope we exceed in everything we do

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