Aerrow's Story

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This story is part of my series "Storm Hawks Fan 3rd Season".

Okay, the first thing you must know before I start is that all the footage used in this video is metaphorical, NOT literal, so have in mind that all you'll see is symbolical, just to picture a point.

This is Aerrow's point of view of his first time meeting Piper.


Right after Finn, Radarr and Aerrow crash land on an unknown terra, the latter spots Piper in the woods, later bumping into her. He takes an instant liking to her, even though she's very shut in and actually wonders why she behaves that way, though he'd not complain, since he wasn't being 100% open either.

He soon gains her trust and she starts opening up more to him. She tells him about how she'd love to explore the world, learn more about crystals and have many good friends, and at that he realizes: she has dreams. Then he also notices he never thought about that, about the future or what he intended to do with his life.

One day, a very strong storm comes, so to save Piper's life, Aerrow convinces her to throw her crystal away. When they find the shards after the storm was over, Piper is devastated, but Aerrow doesn't understand why. She then tells him how she recently lost her family, wondering if he had ever lost someone. And after he confirms that, she is surprised by how he dealt with his loss at such a young age, to which he says he just... Moved on.

She asks him if he even cares about anything anymore, if he's truly living or just surviving. And he couldn't answer that question, which prompted her to walk away until she'd calm down, so she'd not show herself weak in front of him.

He follows her with his eyes, then looks at the broken crystal. Maybe it was time to start caring. He thinks about the few experiences he had with her: their very first encounter, when he saved her and encouraged her not to give up hope, and how he felt about that, if he meant all the supportive things he had ever told her. He did.

After a while, Aerrow finds a way to polish one of the crystal shards and turns it into a necklace he later gives as a gift to Piper. She thanks him for being there for her, while he is more than grateful for having met her, since thanks to her he had finally woken up to life.

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