Finn's Story

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Finn was captured by the Cyclonians when he was around 10-11 years old. He was thrown in a prison mine where he met Aerrow and Radarr who befriended him. They spent years playing pranks and having some fun as a way to lighten the hard life in the prison. One day, though, Aerrow gets fed up with the prison and decides they should try to escape. They make a plan and work on their escape, being able to finally get to freedom. However, during their escape, they end up crash landing on a nearby Terra, where Aerrow meets Piper.

Finn teases Aerrow about Piper just for the fun of it, but ends up surprised by how truly smitten his friend is with the new girl. He tries to get through that and attempts to pretty much force himself between them, but realizes Aerrow is starting to ignore him and his ideas in favor of Piper, which makes him angry. Finn starts to notice he's being left behind and is slowly losing Aerrow's friendship.

As they travel together, a storm hits them and Aerrow pretty much puts the others at risk to save Piper and convince her of letting her family heirloom go. After the girl requests some time alone, Aerrow goes back to their camp where Finn demands him to explain what's going on, and upon being dismissed without much talk, he's angered and confronts Aerrow about how he prefers Piper over him, calling him a traitor for ditching him as a friend. Aerrow is enraged by that and pushes Finn to the ground out of an angry impulse. He quickly regrets that, but Finn doesn't let that go and the two end up in a fight. Piper suddenly comes back to the camp and gets caught up in the middle of their quarrel. Finn manages to dodge out of the way, causing Aerrow to nearly hit Piper instead. He stops dead on his tracks in order not to get her hurt, which causes him to lower his guard and allows Finn to take him out.

Piper asks why they are fighting, but Finn just leaves without much of an explanation and just tells them to hurry up so they could continue on the travel. Aerrow, however, decides not leave things like that and goes after him to explain himself. He finds Finn reflecting alone on the latest events and tells him why he's been becoming close to Piper: because she had lost her family recently to a Cyclonian attack and the last thing she had left of it was destroyed because of him. Finn admits he had no idea of that and relates to her. Not only that, but he also remembers how Aerrow had been a good friend to him despite everything that they went through in the prison mine. They finally forgive each other and accept where their friendship stands: they're good friends, not necessarily best friends, but definitely good pals.

After that, they get to an abandoned village and search for some supplies there, where Aerrow finds the material he uses to make Piper a necklace, finally setting things right with her as well. They keep on their journey, together as a family until they arrive, at last, to Terra Neverlandis, their new home.


Just so you know, in the song: I = Finn, You = Aerrow, She = Piper.

I chose it because the band's inspiration for it was how the singer and his brother were on bad terms (they fought) and how the singer wanted to set things right.

The credits song also relates to the video, so you better listen to it too. ;)

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