Chapter Four

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"Edward have I ever told you how much I adore you?" I giggled as I stumbled down the empty road next to the pirate slightly intoxicated.

"Not exactly." Edward laughed patting my shoulder with the arm that already was around me.

"You know I never forgot the night we danced and the times we shared a kiss. Edward I love you." I giggled giving him a quick side hug

"I know you do, I know you always have." Edward mumbled to himself

"What did you say?" I asked obnoxiously

"Nothing Silvia, you will be thankful for what I have done later." Edward dismissed

"Okay then." I said puzzled and still very much intoxicated

"Let us get you home." Edward smiled as he guided me in the direction of my residence where I am sure I will be interrogated

It usually took a lot to get me even slightly drunk, however I guess I have had too much to drink. I was curious as to why Edward seemed fine when he has had more drinks then I have had. I guess it is because of his pirate background after all.

When we reached the door to the house it was late, almost midnight. I have spent so much time with Edward and I am sure to pay for it in the morrow.

"Here we are." Edward said as he assisted me up the steps and to the front door.

"I had a ggreat night with youu Edward." I slurred slightly, "I hope we do this again." I leaned against the wall behind me

"I hope we do too." Edward smiled as he placed a hand on the wall behind me next to my head. I smiled and bit my bottom lip not fully aware of what I was doing

"You know I have no idea why I have ignored the fact that you are exceedingly handsome and equally as charming." I placed a hand upon his chest. The space between us sliming.

"You had me with those natural honeyed words you use with ease." Edward leaned in talking in a now hushed deep voice

I leaned in closer, our lips almost colliding. Edward wanted to kiss me and it was not hard to tell he would do anything to get my affection. I wanted to make him get lost in his admiration for me he would whatever I asked.

I smiled as I looked into his crystal blue eyes and then down at his lips. I moved closer and as Edward prepared to kiss me I stopped and moved my lips up next to his ear, "Goodnight Edward."

When I went to move out from between him and the wall Edward had pushed me up lightly against the wall and closed the space between us. His hands placed roughly on both of my hips as he kissed me. Me being too shocked to move he stopped and smiled down at me, "Goodnight Silvia." His arms releasing me and dropping to his sides as he descended down the steps smiling ever so slightly.

Did that really just happen? Did Edward know what I was trying to do? I was supposed to leave him in shock not the other way around. Was Edward sober? I knew what I was doing, however what was he doing?

I finally had unlocked the door to the house after tedious minutes of questions and thoughts regarding Edward's actions. As soon as I walked into my study I was greeted by many familiar faces. Luka, Celia, Stefano, and Marcello all appeared worried or angry.

"Silvia, are you alright?" Luka rushed over grabbing my shoulders

"I am fine Luka, my head hurts but I will manage." I forced a smile

"Where have you been? We have been waiting for your arrival ever since dusk." Luka pushed further leading me over to a seat at the head of the table across from the silent Celia.

"I just needed time for myself." I answered not fully lying, but not fully telling the truth

"We have news Silvia." Stefano spoke up catching my attention.

"Does it have to with my daughter?" I asked pushing to the edge of my chair.

"I hoped for it to be good news when it came to my attention, however it is not. I wish we could have found you sooner Silvia. Our father is severely ill, we have been told he will not make it through the morning." Stefano choked out. I did not say anything after that, I simply walked out.

Celia followed me out the front door, down the steps and trailed me down the street into the early hours of the morning before the sun had risen.

"Silvia stop." She called out

"Do you really want to know what I was doing? I was out drinking with Edward! I was drunk! I messed up, I realize that. You can go tell everyone how I screw everything up I do not care anymore." I blurted out turning sharply around and throwing my hands into the air.

"I am not going to tell anyone anything. You are not just an assassin anymore Silvia. You are a wife, a mother, any other person would. If you want we can go see your father now, you are not too late." Celia comforted

I took a deep breath and nodded, "I will go see him, however I would like you to wait outside. I want to this alone.

"If that is what you want then let us get going." Celia agreed as we headed off.



You dont know how long I have wanted to post!!!

I hope you all enjoy i wrote this months ago, however I never had a computer that could upload without difficulty. I love you all!

Please leave a suggestion on what i should do and leave a comment on what you want to see next or how much youve missed this series! ^.^ Okay see you all soon! Take care!!!

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