Chapter Five

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The sight of my father sickened me and I wanted to cry. He was not only my father in blood but he was my mentor.

"Padre (father) what has happened to you?" I walking over from the doorway to his bedside.

"Just a little cold, I will get better angelo (angel)."

"We both know that is not the truth. Father you do not need to spare my feelings, we know you are dying."

"Si Silvia, I know." My father coughed, "Tell your brothers I am proud of them." He spoke weakly

"What do you mean father? You will see them again." I wanted to deny the truth after he said that, tears streamed down my face and left drops on the blankets covering my father.

"Silvia, you have seen too much death for one person to handle. Do me this final favor and live up to the Adiviche name. You are an intelligent and beautiful woman, the end of my life does not mean the end of yours. Remember trust means nothing, until you can prove someone's loyalty. No matter what will happen do not give in. Ti mo angelo. (I love you angel)"

"Ti amo padre." I cried softly as I kissed his hand and held it tightly

I was still kneeling by my father when his hand loosened and slipped from my grasp down onto the bed. He's gone. My head fell to the bed near his hand as I sobbed into the blankets. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I turned to see Celia. I stood up slowly, closed my father's eyes and then turned back to Celia.

"What are you doing here?" I looked into her light blue-green eyes and saw no emotion. What is she doing?

"Stefano told me to keep eyes on you, since last time something bad happened you lashed out on Luka."

"Grazi (thank you) Celia, however I have to go see an amico (friend), they said to talk to them when I needed something and I just think they are the best company right now."

"By amico you mean secret inamorato (lover)?" Celia smirked crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one leg.

"No Celia, you could say he has a certain adoration for me that I find beneficial at the moment."

"Then go, I will wait for you back at your home." Celia smiled letting me go

I immediately went to the tavern knowing Edward would either be there, or at the docks. When I walked in the smell of alcohol hit me hard. I looked around for white and blue robes however they were not there. I immediately walked out and hurriedly made my way to the docks where I spotted Edward on his ship and we made eye contact before he barked orders to a few of his crew members.

As I stepped on board he watched me, "What are you doing here lass, I didn't think you would want to talk to me when you are sober." Edward smirked walking up to me

"Wow different setting but still the same pain in the culo (ass)."

"Follow me, we can talk inside." Edward suggested as we walked into the captain's quarters. Walking further into the ship I took in the details of the ship and the crew. Everyone looking menacing.

When the door closed behind us the sounds were muffled making it much quieter, "What is it you needed lass?" Edward asked looking down at some of the maps sprawled a crossed a table.

"I have been going through some bad times these few weeks and I just need someone to talk to that will not question me about everything." I said pulling my hood down

"I am here when you need me. If you ever need anything I will be more than happy to oblige."

"I need to talk to you about something Edward." I looked at him as he looked up from his maps to give me his undivided attention.

"Is it about what I did earlier? If you did not like it all you had to do was pull away."

"No it is not that I did not like it, I just wonder why you did it when you could get caught so easily."

"I knew who was watching us lass. I saw Luka in the window when we made our way up the street."

"You Idiota (Idiot)! Do you know what could have happened?"

"Luka has been neglecting you hasn't he? I needed him to know that you're not just beautiful in his eyes. Any man would want you more than him. I want you more than him." Edward put down his tankard and looked at me annoyed.

"That's not true Edward, Luka cares for me." I said uneasy

"You are the idiot if you believe that Silvia." Edward calmed down, turning back around, "If you really believe that than go ask him yourself."

"Edward. How would you know anything about me and Luka? You're never around." I said keeping the conversation hush

"You don't think I wouldn't have allies here? I am considering staying in Italy for a while. I have eyes everywhere angelo (angel)."

"I- How do you already know about that Edward?" I asked shocked

"Like I said before Silvia, I have resources." Edward smirked, "Just like I know that you are in mourning." Edward looked down at his drink taking the last few sips

"So you are watching my family?" I asked

Edward glanced momentarily at me and then looked back down grinning, "Silvia, someone wants your family dead. I do not know why, but they do so I was asked to keep an eye on you."

"Who wants my family dead?" I pushed further

"I don't know, all I know is that I was ordered to was to watch you and your family."

"Who asked you to watch me?" I interrogated

"Your father."

"This doesn't add up Edward. Why does my father want you to watch over me?"

"I don't know Silvia, I was simply ordered to protect you and your family with my life."

You With Me (Sequel To Assassins Creed We Meet At Last)Where stories live. Discover now