Are they really straight (Frerard)

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Let's start at the beginning of franks music career, you may have heard of a band called Pencey Prep, the band Frank was in before he joined My Chemical romance. At the time Frank was around 18 years old and so technically still a teenager with teenage issues. If you've listened to Pencey Prep, you'll know the songs I'm about to name.

One of Pencey Prep's songs is called 8th Grade, the lyrics are as follows:

Caught staring again
Like a deer in the headlights
When I can't move fast enough
I take a hit for the team
Pretty girl is blushing
I can't tell if she's disgusted
Laughter starts to swell
Like someone gets the joke

Bell rings
I make my escape
It helps a little
But doesn't save
Beat down's a common thing
It happens every day
Maybe I'm just strange
Cause I don't change schools
Maybe I like the abuse
Or maybe I'm just like you

Another confrontation
You've got something to prove
Your girl can't tell how tough you are
When you beat me up in the boy's room
I made a big mistake
But I can't help who I like
This may not cost my life
But I am branded forever lame
This was not my decision
You were born with good looks
And a solid right hook
Whining makes no difference
You bruised my eye
It doesn't hurt at all
One day I'll rise above
And you will take a fall
I may be beat today
But I will survive
I'll get up off the ground
Stand tall and fight
My eyes don't hurt at all
I would rather die
Than be your whipping boy

School year's almost over
Summer is one day closer

As God is my witness
I will never be a victim again

As you can see I've put some of the lyrics in italics , because those lyrics, in my mind, are most important. Now Frank's supposedly admitted that this song is about liking another guy and even if Frank didn't say that, it's pretty obvious that that is in fact what it's about.

For example, the line, 'Caught staring again, like a deer in the headlights'. The image of a deer being caught in headlights, clearly gives the image of a deer running out in front of a car. This also symbolizes the vulnerability of the boy that the song is narrating and I know what some of you are thinking, that the song is a fictional story about some random boy that, 'Can't help' who he likes.

When Pencey Prep ended, Frank joined MCR. However, he also joined a band called LeATHERMOUTH and the whole implication of Frank at least being bi continues. This next little section in quotation marks wasn't written by myself, I found it on a website, but the regular writing is me, analyzing it further.

'Frank said in a LM show once: "This is the LEATHERMOUTH, this song is called '5th Period Massacre', these are my friends and I'm the little faggot of MCR."' - I actually looked up the correct definition of 'Faggot' and yes, one of the definitions was: 'fagot: a bundle of sticks and branches bound together' but the other was, 'a male homosexual'. Now, I don't know about you, but, if you were straight, I doubt very much you'd announce to a whole room that you were homosexual if you weren't, am I right? You'd have to at least be bi or like men. The person's post then continues on an even more, say suspicious, note:

'And there were rumors that Frank kissed one of the boys in the audience at the concert, but this is also what was said before he grabbed the boy: A guy who was half off the stage said, "You're horrible!" and Frank looked at him with a half smile and replied: "I'm gonna suck you." and they played the next song, after the same guy from before announced, "This is bad as hell!" and Frank said again, "Oh man, haha, if you think this bad, then you'll really hate this." and went to the '5th Period Massacre'. And again, after this song, the same guy said, "YOU ARE FUCKING BAD!" and Frank laughed and said, "Oh man, you know what? I love you, where are you? I want to give you a kiss... Seriously, come here." And so Frank kissed him for about 45 seconds.'

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