F.T.Willz (Frerard)

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Disclaimer none of this is mine!!

Hey so I this is actually one of my favourite ferard theories but it is quite hard to explain without pictures so may turn out confusing. (Everyone knows about this anyway so it's kinda useless writing about it but oh well)

F.T.Willz is a myspace profile that , but looking on the internet some old screenshots on this profile you can find interesting things, like this post which dates back to February 2008.

"From my head to my middle finger, i really think i like you."
i'm a little coffee pot short, stout, and burnt beyond recognition. Sour to the taste and an and, and an and, and the end.
what a dark mess of chemicals we have become.
look through my caffeinated eyes my love. i see the sun in all its ultra violet glory. it beckons me to abort my life of painstaking procrastination.
....and all i want for x-mas is to fly 2 blunts deep.
i drive for days and sleep for miles, but never a drop to drink. No Control, but not exactly a riot either. fuck me you're such a riot.
i've found healing powers beyond my wildest dreams behind your lips. i am the dinosaur soaring towards extinction. So smoke 'em if ya got 'em kids.....cause Joe Camel needs the pocket cash. or just read 'em and weep sweetheart cause my royal flush comes with a love note. i bleed spades, you draw horses.....
may the lord strike down our penniless heroes,
for if not we must take matters into our own hands.
everything will be new when we open our eyes for the first time.
so i'll pick you up at 7 and we'll have a real shitty time, but at least we'll have a time. i'd love you to hate my guts if they weren't already covered in ulcers...ulcers only a mother could love.
so for now peace love and misdemeanors,
cause i plan on being out of step for awhile my dear.
- F.T. Willz

The same post was posted on Frank's blog in 2013, the year in which F.T.Willz's myspace profile has become private.
But who knows? It may be a coincidence.
Let's take a look at what was in this myspace profile.

Status: swinger
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Occupation: Flowerpickin,pantysniffin, WhiskeyDrinkinBum

First of all, you can notice this: W.T.Willz is a Scorpio, who's another Scorpio we know? Frank, born October 31st 1981 clearly a Scorpio.

Moving on to another point. F.T.Willz said he's a "Swinger" what is a swinger? I've looked up the definition and it states:

' Swinging or (rarely partner swapping) is a non-monogamous behaviour in which singles or partners in a commuted relationship engage in sexual activities with others as a recreational or social activity.
Swingeing can take place in a number of context ranging from spontaneous sexual activities at informal gatherings of friends plan regular social meetings to hooking up with like-mined people at a swingers club. It can also involve internet based swinger social-networking services online.'

This would explain a lot of things, for example his behavior on stage with Gerard. But this could actually be a coincidence.

But does 'F.T.Willz' remind you of anything? You may recall a tattoo of franks that says exactly that (refer to the picture above if you need to) Frank also has a guitar with those letters printed on it, maybe he simply took those letters and made them into a name. Although this could also be a coincidence.

Now on to T.F.Willz's hate for technology, this was posted on his myspace on the 18th of February 2008 10:02pm :

To whom it may concern, I hate these things I really do....myspace, blogs, e-relationships and the like....but at the same time I am completely technology infantile. I have no idea how to make a website or anything like that. So an acquaintance of mine convinced me to do this myspace thing for a short time as an easy way to post art and such as often as I want without really knowing what I'm doing. Sorry for the cliché and any confusion, but I promise that one I get my shit together I will do something in a proper medium, until then soak in my disdain if you like.
From the bottom of the barrel,

F.T.Willz clearly stated he doesn't like technology. And he's not the only one.
This post was made on the 13th of January 2013 by no other than frank iero :

'ive thought about doing this for awhile now, i even mentioned it in a twit once...but then i kept remembering how much i loathe technology...67% because i have a hard time understanding it, and 89% because i think people use it for the worst things imaginable. Not that my website has anything good to offer the world in any way, shape, or megabyte form. i guess what im trying to say is that my 2013 new year's resolution is to give up/in. i would like to officially plunge myself deep into the dark steaming fat rolls of the internet. i frnkiero am officially part of the problem....and the pleasure is all mine.
so please feel free to visit from time to time... read my ramblings, peruse my pictures, and deafen yourself on my noise. i appreciate you stopping by.
sincerely, your host xofrnk'

Also not to mention how similar his poems sound in comparison to the lyrics in LeATHERMOUTH songs.

Now, this could be a coincidence, but let's think about it: how many things would match when speaking about their relatisionship? And why F.T.Willz's myspace blog was suddenly privated when people realised his strange resemblance to frank?

That's all I've found on this theory at the moment so if you know anything about the connection between F.T.Willz and frank I would love to know, but I'll leave you to decide whether or not it's really frank.

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