Chapter 9

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Uta pov

After dealing with the ghouls, I quickly searched for (Y/N) and Estrella...I could smell (Y/N) scent...I followed it for 5 minutes around block corners and alley ways...Until I finally caught her scent getting stronger. I whip around a corner...but What I saw would probably haunt me for the rest of my life...Toma's hand was plunged right threw (Y/N) chest. "(Y/N)!!" I shout and run towards them. Toma looks at me and whispers something to (Y/N) and then lets her fall to the ground..."Get away from her!" I snarl as I jump in front of (Y/N) collapsed body...Toma and the man holding Estrella took off...I would run after them but (Y/N) was in dyer need of help...I turn towards (Y/N) and kneel beside her..."(Y/N)" I whisper as I carefully cradle her in my arms....her whole front was drenched red.."I'm...sorry...I...I" she choked.."Hey..your going to be fine" I lie as I try wiping the blood that trickled down from her mouth away..."Its not your fault...we'll get her back" I told her as I tried to stop the bleeding from the hole in her chest......Her body wasn't this rate she'll.....I shake my head and quickly think of a way to help her...I pull out the meat that was in my pocket...I put it in my mouth and chewed it up as much as I could then I forcibly force it down her throat..."You can't die on me...not like this" I growl as I chew off more and again put it forcibly down her throat.."I..I..sorry I couldn't help you Takarra....I'm sorry I can't help you Uta" she whispers as if out of breath....Her eyes slowly looked up at me as if she could see me...they where so dull..her pretty (E/C) eyes weren't shinning anymore..but where twitching..."I wish I could...stay with you all...Uta.." she says sadly..."Your going to live silly" I say as I chew up more and force it down again...."Goodbye Uta.." she whispers...her breathing getting shallower..."(Y/N)!" I shout...

little while later.

I had gotten the car and carefully set (Y/N) motionless body in the back seat.."Hang on" I order her. As I quickly drive off towards the clinic...I'm pretty sure I broke every speed limit there was. I was just glad there was no one on the road which was surprising...I grab my cell and dial the clinic number letting them know that they will being having a critical patient.

outside behind the clinic

I quickly bring (Y/N) body out of the car a stretcher and nurses waited on a platform...I glanced down at (Y/N) the blood that had trickled from her mouth has dried....I could barely hear her breathing anymore...Don't you die on me. I lay her on the stretcher and the nurses quickly push her into the clinic.

I watched through the glass as the doctors did everything they could for (Y/N). I sat in a chair my hands over my head...How could Toma do this??to his own sister? My fists ball up with anger I just prayed that (Y/N) could hang in there...just for a little while longer...A nurse came walking out of the operation room. "The doctors are still working on will probably be a few hours..if you'd like you can leave and I'll inform you when the operation is done?" she says. I don't pay attention to her and just stand up and head for my car.

A little while longer

I walked towards the shattered camera which I was glad it was still on the side walk. I found the memory SM card still intact. I put the card in my pocket and pick up the pieces of the camera...I notice CCG officers surrounding the area trying to figure out why there was blood in the middle of the side walk...I put my shades on covering my eyes as I walked past the officers.

As I waited in the waiting room..I had purchased a small cheesy camera...I scanned through the photos Estrella had taken....After three long hours the doctors came out wiping off their gloves...The main Doctor came towards me with a sad expression on his face..."I must say your friend is one tough girl...she should of died from impact...even if she is a ghoul her body should of died of the after shock" he says as he takes off his gloves..."IS she okay?" I ask not knowing if I wanted to know..."It was close...but her wound is already healing...if you hadn't force fed her she probably would of died even faster...She'll be fine as long as she doesn't move and lets her body heal." The doctor says as he stuffs his gloves in his pocket. "You may see her if you'd like...she probably wont wake up for awhile..." and with that the doctor turns and was about to leave but then he turned around. "She probably wont be able to use her kakugan...if she did it would be to much pressure on her would kill her after a time of using it...but I'm not a hundred percent sure" he says then he leaves for sure. letting me enter the room. I walk in seeing a few nurses scribbling something on a clip board. I pull up a chair and sit beside (Y/N) and I hold her small hand. I noticed the blood stained bracelet....I knew how much history that had...I squeezed her hand..."I wont leave you" I whisper as I nestle my head close to her arm and pray for her to heal....

Uta Flashback

The sun rose high in the sky raising the heat....I hear the van door shutting as (Y/N) came walking up towards me. "Are we ready?" I ask..."Yes...everyone is in position." She says as she puts on her mask. "Okay clowns lets head out" I shout.

We parked in front of the bank all of us making sure our masks were on tightly and secure. "Okay lets go." We all head towards the bank bursting in through the doors. "NO BODY MOVE IF YOU DO YOU'LL BE EATEN UNDERSTAND!" I shout as (Y/N) jumps over the counter disabling the alarms. while other Clown members did their parts of the job. I just stood in the middle giving orders. What I didn't realize was the security guard behind me pulling out his handgun and aiming it at me..."UTA!" I hear someone shout...I whip around about to cover my face when (Y/N) leaped in the way using her body as the shield then cutting down the guard.."Thanks (Y/N) I owe you one" I say as the clowns began leaving.."I got your back dude" she says as she drags the guard away from the door.

Flashback over

I slowly open my eyes and look at (Y/N) face.."I'm sorry I didn't have your back this time" I whisper my apology.

Estrella POV

The man that had grabbed me finally let go off me. As we entered a building...I ran for the door trying to open it...I scream when the man picks me back up.."LET ME GO!" I scream kicking and scratching but the man just held on and threw me into a small cage kinda like a dog cage..."You just be good" he says then walks away...I tried unlocking the door but it wouldn't budge...this space was so tiny..good thing I wasn't afraid of close in spaces. A man...the man that had hurt (Y/N) came up to the cage and knelt down. "Hi kiddo" he says...his entire body language reminded me of (Y/N)..."Can I get anything to make you comfortable?" he asks."I want (Y/N)!!! NOW!" I shout. "sorry....kid...that's not even possible." he says "why not?! That's what I WANT! NOW WHERE IS (Y/N) AND UTA!?" I shout. "Well (Y/N) probably isn't even breathing anymore and I assume Uta is well in the streets like the piece of trash he is" He says with an evil grin. "Well life sucks doesn't it...My sister could of lived if she gave you up...pity" he says.."She was your sister?! your her brother?????" I gasp. "Why yes she was my sister...but she didn't see my reasoning and because of that she got her self killed." he says sadly.."How could you do that to your own sibling?! cruel..she trusted you!" I shout at him. I may not no how well they got along but the way (Y/N) had walked up to him seemed that she trusted him a lot...and when he betrayed that trust in her eyes it seemed like everything was being destroyed. "Well kid prepare yourself for a new time" he says then leaves me alone in the cage in a huge room alone.

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