Chapter 13

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Uta had been gone for four hours leaving you stuck in your room to shoot multiple targets that he had set up. "Stupid leaving me alone" you grumble as you shoot the targets. "I mean seriously! I can take care of myself!" you growl shoot the targets more hitting the bulls-eye. While you were growling and shooting the targets you didn't here the footsteps coming up the stairs. "Doesn't he know not to leave a injured person alone!!!" you shout shooting another target.."ugh now I'm contradicting myself" you moan as reload the gun. Right then the door busted open. "EEEK!" you scream shooting rapidly at the door. "EEK" Uta gasps dodging "WHAT THE HE** (Y/N)!!!!!" he screams. You stare wide eyed at him.."Oh..Uta...its you" you mutter tilting your head to one side. "uh..sorry?" you smile weirdly as you hide the gun behind you..."Don't you hide that weapon! you freaking tried to kill me! this is why centipedes don't get guns!!!!!!" BANG you shot at him again not directly but by his foot making him fall backwards down the stairs (There are only 4 stairs so don't feel to bad). "Hmph falls like an ant" you nod your head and then put the gun away and march down stairs to see the victim.

"Your a terrible person" Uta growls as he rubs his lower back. "Don't sneak up on people" you say as you walk over to him patting him on the head.."Poor baby" you smile widely. Uta glared up at you. "So what took you so long?" you ask as you made coffee. "I had to get a few things and it took longer then I thought it would" he replies putting a thick wad of something wrapped in pink wrapping paper. "OOh" you reach to grab it when he moves it away.."aw" "you can open once Stellar is back" he says. "Hmph.. fine" you growl...after a few minuets Uta opened his mouth "I got a lead of where she could be at" Uta whispers staring blankly at the wad of pink. "We can go try to get her tonight....but..." he stops talking.."what is it? Uta this is great news!!! what else is there?!" you ask as you stand up. "I don't think you should come" he says staring you straight in the eye. "What?" you ask not understanding what he meant by you not coming. "Stellar is our responsibility! Uta!? you can't expect me to stay!" you snap. "I'm better now! we have to save her!!!" you shout. "(Y/N) you can't go" he says again clenching his fist. "Why! why can't I go!?! that's the whole point in having a gun isn't it?! so why! UTA WHY-" "Dang it (Y/N)!!!!" he shouts making you quiet..."I can't...go through that again..."he whispers making it hard for you to hear.."I can't watch you almost die again......" You understood now..that Uta was affected by that accident.... You walk slowly over to Uta.."I'm here though..I'm still alive..." you whisper, grabbing his hand.  You smile and put your forehead to his.. "Let's go get our girl back" you say tightening you're grip on his hand.

We waited at a bar for Uta's people to show up. "So who are these people?" you ask. "You know them" he says as he relaxes on a chair. "Uh-huh if I know them why not remind me" you smile innocently. "Nope" he smirks. "Your the terrible one here" you growl then rest your chin on your hands..The door bell rings when the door opens. You turn you attention to who ever it was that came in hoping it was whoever it was you were waiting for.  A woman with long wavy hair walks in with high heels and a skin tight, laced top and skirt. "Itori?!" you gasp and run over to her. "Oh my goooosh (Y/N)!!!! I hardly recognized you!" Itori gasps hugging you. You notice another person behind her. "YOMO?!" "(Y/N!" Yomo walks out from behind Itori. "Oh my you've grown" you gasp as Yomo towered over you. "Yomo remember I said not to grow anymore!" you growl Yomo stares blankly at you then walks towards Uta. "Man you look totally different without the pink hair" (Before you lost Toma you had pink hair you let it go back to its original color). "Hahaha very funny But I look the same" you say with an awkward smile.

After a while of saying how much each other has changed you quickly get back to business.  "So is anyone else going to show up?" Itori asks as she drinks coffee from a shot glass. "Nope this is it!" smiles Uta holding his arms out wide. "Really...this is it?" Itori whines. After a few minute of silence Itori coughs then faces you. "I'm sorry about your kid being taken" Itori says bowing apologetically "Its fine as long as we get her back" you say. Itori stares wide eyed at you and Uta while Yomo remains silent. "What is it?" you ask tilting your head. "I didn't know you and Uta where...a thing" Itori mumbles that last word. Your face goes red. "SHE ISN'T OURRR KID?!!!! UTA AND I AREN'T A THINGGG" you scream putting your arms up as if trying to cover Itori's face, mostly your face though. You could feel your face getting red with embarrassment.  You feel a hot breath on your neck. "Weee could be a thing" Uta purrs. You shiver and quickly push him away, making Itori laugh. "Well I don't need to know your guys love life even though I would love to buuug you about it...but we must focus on the matter at hand." She says her face getting serious.

Uta pulls out a tiny folded map from his chest pocket. "If the sources are correct which I know they are Estrella should be kept in this tiny facility here." He says pointing to a square. "But there are guards....Ghouls really that are guarding every inch. ITS going to take a lot of effort into this rescue" Uta says as he high lights spots of where the guards should be. "We must be sure to avoid Toma" he says showing a photo of your brother. "He is highly dangerous and must not be dealt with alone." "Isn't Toma? well dead?" Yomo asks. "Nope fully alive..but dangerous" you say sadly "awww not Tomaaa" Itori whines with a sad face. "Are you suure he is dangerous? last time I checked he was dead and before that he was such a loving brother and a loyal ghoul" Itori says, not believing that Toma was evil. "He almost killed me...he's dangerous" You say flatly. "When do we begin?" Itori asks. "Right now sounds good" you say using up the rest of your patience. "Well what are we waiting for?" Itori asks as she stands up.  "Hang on Stellar..we're coming" You say in your mind. As you all make your  way towards the door you feel something grab you hand tightly. "Lets go get our girl back" Uta says.."Hey now that's my line mister" you mutter then walk out and head towards your car.


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