Part one- One of Us

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This story was on my Justin Bieber  fan fiction but I decided to post it on here :)

This story has fantasy, magic, and witches. I wanted to try something different, compared to the typical Bieber love stories. Although there is still romance in this story. So please read and give it a chance <3

p.s i dont own any of the pictures, including the girl i pictured Alex around.

The characters are obvious besides Alex and ill post a picture of her. Other characters will be described throw the story. Hope that you like it <3


This First chapter does not have that much detail but the rest of it will!

Part one- One of Us

"mom, dad, I'm going over to Andrea's to study" i shouted while pulling my long peacoat jacket that covered my way to short for my parents to see striped dress. just so they wouldn't say anything i slipped a pair of jeans on. in my back pack there was my purse and high hills along with my school uniform, by now it was a reunite i knew how to sneak past my plain parents, to the party they will never know about. i could walk past them and out the door and they would think I'm the straight A angle that they thought i was. in reality I'm nothing like that, every night there was a massive party i attend. it was part of the image that all of my friends had built. my friends were as most people would like to call the "rich popular kids" of amber privet school. the boys and girls that got every ones glares because they longed to be like us, even teachers didn't dare to fail or suspend any of us. they all feared the power that we have over this small rich town, weather it was the out rageous looks we all contain, or the money in our parents pockets.

"hunny don't you think its a little to warm to wear your coat?" my mother asked "no mom it gets a little chilly in Andrea's house" "ok Hun don't study to hard" a smile formed in the back of my mind, there clueless. i gave my mom and dad a kiss before walking out the door.


my mind was blacked out until a warmth covered my body, and the darkness behind my eye leads were lightened. unsealing my eyes the sun shinned bright, causing me to re-close them. something triggered in my mind, i had to get up. someone was laying on top of me though so i opened my eyes to see a boy with his body resting on top of me.

"fuck Jared get up we have to go to school or our parents are going to find out!" he eyes shout open with a rush he jumped up. "OWE WHAT THE FUCK" someone on the floor shouted. "sorry Andrea, dude we need to get up school starts in 20 minutes." his loud voice awoke the rest of the hung over people in the large room. soon enough all us were up trying to get out of our liquor wrecked clothes to our neat privet school uniforms. "who is going to drive, i think I'm still drunk from last night." i announced, in reply everyone said "me too". Adam, the brown eyed blond boy that hosted last nights part spoke "ill have our driver take us in the limo" one of the great perks of having rich parents, drivers and limo's.

walking down the long hall ways of this school was the same everyday, everyone stopped talking when they saw the group of people that were around me. everyone started in awe, because even hung over, we all looked like models walking. i guess you could say that was one of the requirements of being one of us, lookers were a must. as bad and mean as it sounds you had to be extremely beautiful to speak to any of use, anyone else was invisible in this small prep school.

we sat in our first class, all of use completely zoned out from last night. Andrea's looped curls covered her face as she had her head on the desk ready to pass out she quietly spook "my head is pounding from last night" out of reflex Jared reach forward from his seat behind her and started to rub her back. there relationship was very odd, they both liked each other intently, but never "dated" because we all had an addiction to parties, or in other words "cheating". that's the main reason none of use had boyfriends or girlfriends, it was simpler to not get broken hearted, because the other cheated.

"Class...." the teacher called every ones attention, of course none of my friends payed attention until a boy and a girl walked in next to the head master. the boy caught my eyes instantly, he was familiar. his hair formed around his head, a light brown. his eyes were stunning, liquid brown. hes lips perfection. everything about him was....perfect. the same with the girl next to him, she looked like a model. they both looked like one of 'us. "... this is Justin Bieber, and Catlin Beadles..." me and Andrea looked at each other with the same look "nah, the girl will fit in with us but not the boy" Jared spook, i looked back at him with anger. "why not Justin?" i said sharply "because he is famous he wont party like any of us." he was right this perfect looking boy had already made him self an image, he wouldn't fit in with any of use. "well if he isn't then neither is the girl." they all looked at each other, listing to my word. they all agreed, because my way was always aright to them. when i demanded something it was done. the teachers words continued while my eyes drifted asleep during the two hour long lecture. in my dreams i relived the day that we all had a reason to drowned our lives with a party.


"hey do you have any cover up?" Annabel asked. 'seeing her in a my dreams reminded me of her beauty, she was so much prettier then any of us, inside and out. she was the "leader of the group" i guess you could say, she kept us all in line, she kept us all grounded.' "yeah, do you need anything else" i asked while my eyes admired her life felled gorgeous face. "actually can i wear those adorable blue pumps that you bought the other day." 'i remember that in the back of my mind i got mad at her, because i had planed to wear them, and she knew that, but i gave into her Anyways' "yeah, i will look really cute with your outfit" i said with a fake smile, i really wanted to wear those shoes, 'and after that day i never would see them again' "thanks Alex your a really good friend" she did this every time i was mad at her. she said something like that that made me feel good inside, because i was accepted by her.


"Alex wake up class is over." Jared shook my arm awaking me from the past. when my eyes weakly opened everyone was still in there seats. so i attempted to drift back into my sleep, but the loud bell dinged making my heart jump. everyone started to spill out of the collage looking class. on my way out i felt some one fingers grip my shoulder "excuse me do you know were room 1089 is" i looked around kinda shocked someone will approach me and ask a question. that is until i saw who was there behind me.

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