part 4- Know one knows the secret

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This part is pretty short. The first part is in Justins POV the last bit is in Alex's.

Comment.... and all that other stuff?




Yesterday I was just a pop singer, singing to the millions of people in the world. I never really understood what else was out there in this world. When I joined this privet school I knew things would be different. I knew that the people were not going to be like the famous people I hung out with, or even the people I knew before my fame. But nothing prepared me for what I just learned, the history of his small town. Maybe it was all fake, and this gorgeous girl in front of me was just crazy. That was the logic way of thinking, that none of what she just told me was a lie. I wanted to believe that but there was something in her eyes something that told me the past She told was the truth.

"come with me and I'll show you." she stuck her hand out waiting for mine to fill her empty hand. She wanted to prove that he wasn't insane. So I took her hand, hesitantly, unsure if I wanted to see what she had to show me. When I placed my hand in hers it was a new feeling that move throw me. Before when I touched her I felt a lust for this extremely beautiful girl. This time when her porcelain skin touch mine I felt a spark, a new feeling rush throw my body. When she touched me it was like a mist of cold rain woke my body, she made me feel alive. She pushed my heart to beat a little bit faster. As we ran out of the campus, she laughed like she knew what I was feeling. She lit the dark sky's in my eyes, her smile was like an angles. He laughter whisked into my ears like a wonderful melody. She and I ran to the edge of the woods near the school campus. When we reached were she wanted she released my hand. When her skin left mine I lost the feeling of before. The feeling in my body faided to normal and plain. My heart beat slowly, my skin ordinary. She bent over what looked like a dead rose bush. I didn't understand why she brought us here.

"I don't get it, it's just a bunch of dead flowers" I told her. She looked up at me with a huge shunning smile.

"watch." she said pointing to the dead plant. I observed the plant as she told me to. For moments all I saw the same thing. What used to be a beautiful red flower black and ashed away. It's leafs fallen and crinkled around the lifeless flower. What used to be a strong rose bush now dead on the ground.

Her fingers lightly touched the petal of a broken flower. Before my eyes the gray wrinkled petal bushes with a vigorous red. Like when her fingers touched it they painted a coat of red to it. But not only did it turn red, it awakened from it death. No longer was it ashed weeping, now it curved with life, it's solft touch returned it it body. As my eyes ventured further I saw that it wasn't only the petal that gained it's life because of her touch. It was the entire plant that spark to life. The once dead brown plant, rises from it's grave standing green and alive. It's colors vivant, bright greens lead up from its roots. The crumpled leafs rises from the ground re-attaching to there original place on the flowers. Sharp yellow and green thorns forced there way out of the stems. And all the flowers bloomed with bright red life. There flower buds bloomed wide open.

A smile of accomplishment spread across her face as she watched what she just did. Her eyes shined an excellent blue, so bright it compared to the cleanest sky's. Her hand touched mine and for a second I felt the feeling I earlier felt. Until she let go of my hand. She placed a rose in my palm, I could feel it's life in my fingers. I felt it's life rushing throw the flower petals. She wanted me to feel the life she gave the flower. She wanted me to feel the magic that she unleashed inside this flower.

"it's beautiful" I said really unable to speck. I didn't really know how to react, who would know how to react. I just witnessed a girl bring a dead flower to life. I just experienced something I only though god could do. She brought life to this plant, what else could she do with these powers that were inside her body. Before I could ask for an explanation someone interrupted my thoughts.

"awe that flower is beautiful!" Caitlin said behind me. Me and Alex turned to see my best friends Caitlin and christen standing there.

"wow Justin already giving flowers to a girl the second day we are here." christen teased. Before I could react Alex took the flower from my hand.

"yeah, he gave me this flower, he's such a sweet heart." she lied. I was not sure if I should follow along with the lie. But when I looked at her she gave me a dark look. Something in her eyes scared me, she was telling me that if I told the truth about her something bad would happen. I also saw anther side to her. Before I saw the stunning girl happy, joyful, because she brought the dead flower to life. Right now I saw a darkness, that her secret was something she held close to her. A secret that if I told anyone, she was more then willing to give a punishment.

"uh yeah, this is Caitlin and Christian, this is Alex." I introduced them all to each other.

"so we were going to get lunch would you guys like to join us?" Caitlin asked.

"we would love to." Alex answered.


I hope he felt the warming I sent him earlier. I hope he understood that the secret I told him was mine. It was my decision to tell anyone about it. If he did tell, I would be forced to act. I would be forced to take the life out of this boy and anyone that knew the secret. It was a pack that me and all my friends made.

No one knows the secret.

Even though I already gave it to him. I wasn't sure of my punishment, I didn't know how my friends would react. I wasn't sure if I was going to tell them.

"hey who is that guy with Caitlin?" Christian asked. Mine and Justin's eyes darted to the food court counter. Caitlin stood leaned against the counter laughing at what the boy next to her said. My mind registered, the boy was Caleb. Her laughing and flirting already caught the eye of someone that was very dangerous. I knew the moment Caitlin start talking to him something bad was going to happen. And I was right, Caitlin's hand flung to her neck. Her tan face started to faid into a white. Her breaths start to cut out. She was chucking on nothing, and I knew why. Justin and Christian jumped from there spots to Caitlin, trying to do everything to get her to breath. But I knew none if there efforts would work. So my eyes searched the crowded room for her. In the corner stood the one I was looking for. Her dark hair feel in front of her face, her dark eyes were glaring in the direction of Caitlin. I ran to were she stood isolated from the crowd.

"Amanda stop your going to kill her."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2011 ⏰

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