Part 3- How it all began

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this chapter is explanation to the group, the story that they all hide from. this part has allot of fantasy and description.

You can comment and stuff if you want. I would love to hear your thoughts :)


"Annabel were are we going!" I shouted trying to keep up with all my friends, but the shoes I was wearing were not suited for walking around the woods "I found this place while I was running the other day!" "so?!" I shouted, looking back at all of my friends they all had the same face and question in there eyes "were is she taking us" soon we were standing in an open meadow. A dead lacking life meadow. Every plant life was sad, lifeless. There's was a lack of greens, color in this meadow. Directly in the middle was an wooden house. Old and withered away. The dead life that surrounded the the house also crawled over the tops of the creepy home. Nothing about this inter meadow was inviting, it was terrifying.  "what is it?" Andrea asked "I think it's one of the old witch houses from the trials" she explained "it is, this was Isabel Mortanophs's (completely made up) house." we all understood by the name Amanda told us "you mean Isabel the witch that cursed the town and set spell on all the towns people back in the 1690's?" Jared asked "well she supposedly did that, but those are just legends" Amanda answered "well i think we should check it out!" Annabel shouted running up the path to he front door. "Anna it say stay out!" Caleb shouted. "Annabel this place is creepy! I don't want to go in!" I said shaky while running to where everyone was. "oh my god Alex don't be suck a pussy" she spat getting annoyed "if you want you can stay out here in the middle of the woods all alone!" By then Jared has cracked open the old wooden door. Everyone walked past you into the old house. Your eyes wondered the dark woods that surrounded the house, the woods were terrifying in the night, but what larked inside this house was even scarier. Although you knew this, it beat sitting all alone in the middle of the woods. So you entered the Old house, and the moment that your entire body was inside it, a cold swept throw the house. Sending a sharp web of chills up everyone spines. "did you guys feel that?!" Andrea shouted. "yeah" we all replied, looking into each others eyes. "this is a bad idea we should leave." I tuned to open the door but with all my force I could get it to open. "it's locked I CANT GET IT OPEN!" I shout while pulling hard on the door. "what do you mean it's locked we just opened it!" Caleb said while joining you trying to get it open. "she's right it won't budge!" he shouted. Soon everyone formed around you trying to help you, everyone but Annabel.  

"look at this!" Annabel shouted. You turned to see her looking at on old book. Black as the night, and sealed with blood red wax. The front had writing in old cursive writing. "Anna don't touch anything!" she was already opening it. "Anna stop!" it was already to late the moment she opened that book the room lit up every old wax candle. Exposing the room fully. There were shelves of jars with herbs, flesh, liquids crowding all the open spaces. The floors were cracked Broken and wickedly. The windows covered in years of black dirt and plants. The fire place lit bright and blazing behind Anna. She stood at a tall table were more jars, bowls, spoons, and one single knife sat. We all stood still in our spots, scared to death of what just happened. Annabel's eyes were shut and one of her hand was placed directly on top of the old book. "what is that?" I asked with a terror in my voice "that's...that's Isabel's spell book." I looked over at Amanda, that can't be true, that would mean all the legends and meth's are real. That Isabel was indeed a witch who possessed black magic. "your correct dear, this is indeed my spell book, the book that holds a curse." Annabel's eyes shout open her grass green eyes were filled with black. He skin paled over,  black lines creeping all over her face scattered down her body, down to her finger nails covering her long legs with black ink webs.  Annabel was no longer in her body, it was Isabel. "I've been waiting hundreds of years for someone to open this book, so I can carry out my revenge." Anna's lips spoke for Isabel. "revenge?" Amanda asked. Anna eyes shot in the direction of Amanda "yes my revenge, on the noble men of this wretched town. They seeked out and killed everyone of my kind because of there hatred, the fear of the powers we possessed. I knew soon I would be next so I left a curse binded in my spell book, that someday the noble men would contain the powers they hated and feared. That the decants of the men would become witches." she looked Over everyone in the room, as each of Us realized we were the decants of the noble men. No one could speak, not one of use could understand what was to come. In all of our minds we didn't believe. What was happening it just wasn't logical in anyway. Before anyone could react she lifted a knife from next to the old book. "what are you doing!" I exclaimed "a sacrifice must be made." the knife lifted into the air darting down into Annabel's chest. We all jumped to stop what was happening or help after. But as the knife eased into our best friends chest we all felt the knife vigorous blade plunge through our chests. I could fell it deep inside my heart like the knife stuck in my own chest. The witches blade not only effected Annabel but everyone of use. "the sacrifice of the noble blood." was the last words before my vision, hearing, mind creeped into a unforgivable blackness.  


"after that night things started to happen, strange things. None of use could really explain it, but we knew we had to hide it." I finished the story of how it all began.  

"I don't understand" Justin said calmly  

"well we all started to experience  these...strange things. Like if we concentrated hard enough we could change things, move, fix, or even hurt things. None of use knew how to handle it, so we hide it. We made an image of our selves. Made it look like we we're all the popular kids, who drink and party everyday. But really inside we are all triffid of the power." I explained. He waited a few moments, probably sorting everything out in his mind.  

"what about Annabel...what happened to her?" "she lived past the night in the old house. She was even the one that created this image. But one day she snapped, the powers took over her life, she was scared and hated it, just like our ancestors. Her hate and fear of the darkness inside of her caused her to hate her self. So she did what all of the noble men did back then...."I stopped almost unable to speck of what happened  that night. The night all of use would never forget. The sight none of use would forget. "she hung herself. Right in front of us all she killed herself because of the witches curse." he's face was triffid "did the police..?" he began to ask but I decided to explain it further "we all went to the police to tell them about anna's actions but when...when we got there the body was gone. No proof of her suicide was there. But we all saw her kill herself. Annabel body has been missing for one year this Friday night." I was unsure what was happening in his mind. Unsure of how anyone could handle this, because he is the first to ever hear it. I myself will never understand why I told him this, I enforced it more then anyone. Never tell the secret, but there was something about him. "so these powers...there dangerous?" "there dangerous and addictive. Most of use have learned to control them." "most of use?" he noticed "Amanda, she is obsessed with the magic. She doesn't known how to handle it. She uses and use it." I explained  

"are there effects of using it?" "Yes like anything else in life there are. The physical effect, using to much weakens our bodies, and then there are the losses of being the only ones with this secret. To be alone." I said dull and sad. The losses we have all experienced after that night were tremendous. The days we spent resting because our body ached from the powers over whelming our hearts. The lies we spoke of everyday. Never letting someone to close, close enough to learn out secrets. Always avoiding people, avoiding the constant questions. "can you show me?" he had a lie on his face. He's face told me he wasn't afraid, that he believed me. His eyes spoke the truth, fear and disbelief. "you don't believe me?" "no I don't believe you, so please show me" I concerted it for a moment. And decided....

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