Dangerous Lies - Chapter Twenty-Six

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I looked back over at my angel to see her eyes widened and her mouth open. I laughed and continued to drive. Wow. 

“I’ve never been to Florida!” She squealed. I looked at the clock and it read 1:02. "Oh my gosh, I cannot wait!" 

“You're my princess, I want to show you everything. And I mean everything.” I said, most seriously. Her smile disappeared from her face and her eyes grew wide again. God, sometimes she had a dirty mind. But me? I had a dirty mind every time I looked at her. I flashed my teeth at her and squeezed her small hand that was holding mine. According to my GPS, it would take us twenty one hours, not including stopping for food, to get there.

"Jeez," she said when the mono-tone woman told us. It was in my mind that she didn’t like to ride in cars for hours on end, and especially for one full day.

"We're gonna stop a lot, I want this to be fun for the both of us." I grinned. She smiled and yawned.

"Is it okay if I crawl in the backseat and take a nap for a while?" Kelsey asked, pointing her thumb tot he seats. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah, you should get some sleep. Buckle up once you get back there, though, and I mean it." I watched her intently as she crawled to the backseat and strapped herself in. God, her ass. A few minutes later, she began to sleep. She asked me to sing to her so I did. She smiled in her sleep, damn. I felt the need to drive with my baby in the car. I couldn’t bear to live with myself if something happened to her because of me. I would be fine, but it was her I was always worried about. I wouldn’t want to be myself anymore, I’d lose myself. But most importantly, I wouldn’t want to live anymore. I felt my jaw tighten against my teeth at the very thought of Kelsey being gone. A tear started to well up in my eye and I quickly wiped it away. I know on the outside I was a bad ass but I still had feelings and bad thoughts stir up in my head sometimes. I continued driving until it was time to eat. I looked at the clock and it was 7:40 and I was hungry. We decided to go to McDonald’s. I set the car in park and got out of the car and went to Kelsey’s side. I slowly opened the door and looked at her. She was still passed out on the seat. Her hair fell perfectly on her shoulders and her arms were tied across her chest. I smiled to myself as I slowly unbuckled her seatbelt and shook her shoulder, saying her names a few times before she came through.

“Where are we?” She asked quietly. I took her hand as she came out of the vehicle.

“We’re in Louisiana,” I explained. “We only have fifteen more hours to go. And I want to get at least two more hours of driving in before we stop for the night.” She nodded her head. I closed the car door shut behind Kelsey as she was slowly walking towards McDonalds. I caught up to her as I took her hand in mine. She looked up at me and gave me a half smile. I smiled back at her and opened the door for her. We went inside and the smell of grease filled our noses, oh man. There was a pretty good line of people waiting to get food. About five minutes later we were up to order. Kelsey didn't watch much, but I ordered more food for her because it wouldn't kill her to put on some more pounds. She was as fragile as it was. We ate in the restaurant and we were both full after a while. We fed each other fries. But the most intimate moment when we were in there is when I took a French fry in my teeth and stuck it out so that Kelsey could bite it off with her own teeth, connecting our lips together. We did that almost three times and I loved every single one of them. We left and threw everything away except our drinks. We got back into the car and started to blast music and got onto the highway again.

Pretty soon it was ten o’clock and Kelsey was still up with me. It was a really fun ride. We were in a town called Slidell. We were going to pass the Mississippi border in an hour or so tomorrow once we get on the road. We saw a hotel and it looked pretty decent. We decided to sleep there for the night and get a hotel room. I parked my car not too far away from the entrance of the hotel. We took our bags out of the trunk and I took Kelsey’s hand as we walked inside. The cold hair stung our faces and we quickly went inside. I looked behind us just to be safe because creeps will follow you where you go. We went inside to find a man on the computer. I walked up to the desk and his eyes connected with mine. I felt a vibe come off of him that wasn’t right.

“I’d like to have a room.” I asked.

“You two seem a little bit young to be staying in a hotel together.”

“I’m eighteen.” I felt Kelsey’s eyes widen with that statement. I clenched my jaw and tried to keep myself from seeming like I was lying.

“Can I see your I.D.?”

“Yeah,” I pulled out my fake I.D. and gave it to him. I had friends in high places that could do stuff like that for me. He seemed convinced that it was right. I paid for the room with my credit card. I got the Penthouse because hey, why not? I was loaded anyways. And there was free food and a great bed. I took Kelsey’s hand again as I took our two keys that we were given. There was an elevator that went up about five or six floors and we were on the highest one. The elevators soon opened and a huge door was leading ahead. Kelsey looked at me in confusion as we started to walk towards it. I slid the key through the slot and the green light turned on and I went inside. There was a king sized bed, a fridge, a TV, and a stereo and loads of other things. But we didn’t care for them. Checkout was at eleven tomorrow and we had to get some sleep. I quickly went into the bathroom with my suitcase and shimmied out of my pants and my shirt and put on pajama pants and a tee. I came out the bathroom to find Kelsey already changed and in bed. I smiled at her as I turned off the light and crawled into bed with her. She was lying on her left side and I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closet to my body, our hips touching. All I want is to be closer. I breathed in her scent as she whispered something.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, baby. Sweet dreams.”

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