Tantalizing - Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Sometime during the day, I got an excited text from Malorie.


Hello to you too, Mal. (: Lol. What’s up?

Patrick and I are dating!


Yeah, we’re dating!

How did this happen?

We danced at the reception yesterday and we got to know each other a lot and he asked me out. I said yes! Our first date is tonight!(:

Oh how wonderful. (: Be careful of him, Malorie. He can be a trouble-maker when he wants to be.

I know but I’ll keep him in line. *winkwinkwink* Lol I’ll talk to you later. Love youuuu!

I love you too! Bye.

By the end of the day, it was eight o’clock. I quickly went upstairs and hid myself and my bags. I shut the door behind myself and set my bags on the bed, pulling out the one item that I wanted. When I went shopping today, I managed to slip lingerie into the cart. I shook in my boots as I put it on, tightening the many straps and ties. My breath was shaking, but I was ready. I dug into the many bags and got out the candles I bought as well. I lit them all around the room and I fluffed my curled hair and laid sexily on the bed. I called Austin.

“Austin!” He walked through the door, his eyes were blank and his mouth was slightly agape. I walked over towards him, slowly undid the plastic buttons that fastened his white piece of clothing that covered his upper body. Breath was shaking, fingers slowly working. The shirt was now unbuttoned and Austin pulled his arms back so I could slowly push it down his shoulders. The piece of clothing fell onto the floor. Austin took me and slammed me up against the wall, we were passionately making out. I moaned his name when he began to kiss, lick, bite, and suck on my neck. “Austin…” Austin’s weight was too great against mine, and he pushed me back onto the bed. His arms were holding himself up just inches away from my lips. My legs came apart immediately so that he was resting comfortably on me. I placed my hands on his sides. His breath fanned onto my face, our eyes connected for the longest time. He finally placed his lips on mine, the familiar lightning strike I’ve felt numerous times. We stayed like that for a few moments, just kissing. Nerve endings sensed that someone was undoing the garters on the legs. His fingertips gripped the clothing and slowly slid them down my legs. I pulled my legs into my chest to help him, also pointing my toes. He looked at me. He wasn’t saying anything. It was all in those crystal hazel orbs that I loved so dearly. He weakly smiled at me as he proceeded towards me, our bodies connecting. He slowly started to undo the main article of clothing on my body and my breath was heavy. He untied it just enough so it could fall off me, but I didn’t allow this. I sat up and slowly traced his six-pack. I could hear his breath.

“Kelsey.” He called quietly. I continued to draw on his six-pack. I felt myself getting eager for him. My hands slowly travelled to the button of his jeans, and popped the button out of the hole. I grabbed the zipper and slowly pulled it down, exposing some of his boxers. I bit my lip as I pulled them down, revealing his toned legs and his blue and white boxers. He stepped out of them and applied his toned body on mine again. I could feel him against me, and it felt like he was big. I giggled at the thought. “I’m sick of the clothes. Why don’t you take them off for me?” He smirked at me, sitting down on the bed now. I got up in front of him and slowly undid many straps, and I started to pull down the chest, and his eyes widened. I sexily giggled and continued to pull the piece of clothing off of my body. I stepped out of the lingerie. He stared at me for the longest time. “You are so sexy, Kelsey Taylor Mahone…” He trailed off. He pulled my hand and laid me on the bed gently. I gripped the head boards above me. He left the room before I could see anything else. My eyebrows pulled together in confusion. Where was he going? After a few moments, he came back with whipped cream, cherries, ice, and strawberries. What was he going to do? I thought to myself. He set them all down on the bed stand next to me and got on top of me. He shook up the can of whipped cream. I was nervous, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. He squirted some whipped cream on my neck. He slowly went down to me and licked and sucked the whipped cream off me. He then got some ice from the big bowl and slowly slid the ice cube down my whole body, just barely grazing skin. Oh my god, this is so tantalizing.


An excruciating pain woke me up in the middle of a dead sleep. I looked over at the clock. It read nine thirty. I gasped in pain as I felt the worst thing I could ever feel down in my groin area. I clasped onto my thighs, squeezing and releasing as the pain got stronger and weakened. Austin woke up.

“Kelsey, are you alright?” He asked with his eyes sympathetic and saddened at the sight of myself in this much pain. I groaned.

“Yeah, I’m fine, everything just hurts.” I gasped again, throwing my head back onto the soft pillow.

“Do you want me to go get you some pain killers?” He asked cautiously, cupping my cheek that was holding a tear.

“Yes please,” I whispered. Austin got up and put some boxers, but I couldn’t help but stare at his naked body. Last night was… beyond amazing. I shattered beneath him again and again and again… I sighed as the pain snapped me out of it. Austin came back after a few moments with two pain killers and a cup of water. I eagerly took the pills and chugged the entire glass of water down within thirty seconds. I held up the sheet to cover my chest, since I was still naked, and I was still scared of Austin to see my naked body. I got my robe from the side of the bed and put it on and got up from the bed. I went to make it but I saw something red stain the bed. It was my blood. There was something else that caught my eye… the bed. The headboard was nearly ripped out from the bed, and I could hear the springs break as I got up. Numerous scratches marked up the head board as well, and the sheets were all messed up. Holy shit. I sighed as I took off the blankets and threw them in the wash for me to take down to the wash room. I did that and threw everything that we wore from yesterday into the wash. A few stabs of pain made me grab something and stop what I was doing to steady myself. But the pain dulled after a few seconds. I took the basket back upstairs and Austin was just sitting there on the bed, not saying a single word. “Is everything alright, Austin?” I asked curiously, sitting down next to him.

“I was just thinking about last night.” He turned his head so that he was looking at him. I blushed and looked at the floor.

“Yeah,” I chuckled. “It was pretty amazing.” Austin looked at me like he was trying to figure out something. I turned up to his gaze to find himself staring at my chest. He peeled back my robe. I looked down at myself to find bruises covering a good portion of my chest and neck. I shied away from him, covering myself up again.

“Was I really that rough with you?” 

Memories [UNDER EDITING]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt