Chapter 1

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                         I wake up to the sound of my brother's music blasting. Of course. I throw my comforter back and put my hair in a messy bun. 

I march across the hall and bang on my older brother's door. I'm the youngest of nine. All boys except me. All of my older brother's have been married off except one. You see my parents own a multi-billion dollar company. They make everything from beds to factory equipment. My parents sometimes make business mergers where they have to make an arranged marriage to complete the transaction. I know it probably doesn't make any sense but it's the only thing I've ever known. 

My oldest brother is thirty-five. He got married when he was eighteen. Like all my other brothers. He has three adorable children and has taken over the company that his wife's parents had. His name is Brent. His wife's name is Bailey.

Then there's my brother Bradley. He's thirty-three. He has four kids and has taken over his parent's in laws business. His wife's name is Alison

Then there's my brother Benjamin. He's thirty one. He has two kids and runs a business like the others. His wife's name is Caroline. 

Next is my brother Bruce. He's thirty. He's got five kids and also runs the business that his parents-in-law left for him. His wife's name is Jade. 

After him comes my brother Brian. He's twenty-eight. He has one kid. He runs the business that was left to him by his parents-in-law. His wife's name is Amy. 

Then it's Bennett. He's twenty six. He has three kids. He also runs the business that his parents-in-law left him. His wife's name is Chelsea. 

After him comes Bryce. He's twenty-three. He has two kids and runs the business that his parents-in-law gave him. His wife's name is Kourtney. 

And Finally is my brother Beau. He just turned eighteen so he isn't married yet. But we think he's gonna find out who his wife is gonna be soon. 

And then there's me. Brenna Anderson. I'm sixteen. I'm not gonna be married for at least two years. Yay! 

"What do you want Bren?!" Beau yells after turning his music down so he can hear my reply. 

"Uh for you to turn it down maybe?!" I yell back.  Just then the door slams open and I'm facing my angry older brother. 

"You better watch your mouth or I'm gonna tell Father." Beau threatens. I immediately close my mouth. In my family and others like it women are taught to obey the men. It's almost like we are in the olden days. But only the men with a higher ranking. So like my butler can't tell me what to do but my brother can to some extant. He can't tell me to dance a jig but he can tell me to shut my mouth. We usually get along but sometimes I have to be put in my place. 

"Sorry Beau. Do you think you can turn it down?" I ask politely like I should have all along.  "Yes. Are mother and father home?" Beau asks looking hopeful that the answer is yes. It never is though. The only reason they have kids is so that they can marry us off. I was raised by a nanny. A private tutor helped me with my homework. I was never a normal kid. And I never will be......

"No, they left for work already." I tell him. 

"Okay well I'll see you at breakfast I just got to get a few things done before school." Beau says. I nod and walk back to my room so I can get ready for school. Did I mention that it's five am?


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