Chapter 4

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Brenna's P.O.V

"Bennett what am I going to do? He was nice a couple of days ago. You heard what he said he was gonna do to me!" I cry.

"Brent is doing everything he can to get you out of this but things aren't looking good." Bennett says honestly. I just cry harder.

If that's all I am to him then why is he going through with the wedding. I don't understand why I have to go through with this. I looked Harper Inc. online and they're going bankrupt. my parents gain nothing from them. In fact they lose money.

"Bennett, I'm scared." I tell him. He holds me tighter, "It'll be okay sissy." He tells me but I know he doesn't believe it. He has no idea .

Just then the door opens and Mother walks in. I quickly wipe my eyes and stand up fixing my beanie.

"Hello Mother." Bennett and I say in unison.

"Brenna get your things you are going home with the Evan. You will be spending the night at his house." Mother orders me. I nod feeling tears well in my eyes but I don't let them fall.

"Yes mother." I say remorsefully. I don't want to be anywhere near Evan and who knows what's gonna happen tonight.

Once mother leaves I walk over to my closet and pull an over night bag off the shelf.

I put fresh underwear in then some clothes. As I walk to the bathroom Bennett stops me, "Bren?"

"Yes?" I ask looking at my brother. "Do not let him do anything you don't want done." His tone leaves no room for argument but his words do.

"Bennett you know I have to let him." I say honestly. In our world women don't say no. At least to people of our standard and classification.

"Brenna you are your own person. Stand up for yourself!" I shake my head, "I must respectfully ask you to leave my bedroom." I say not meeting his eyes.

He sighs but doesn't argue. Once he's gone I pack my toiletries.

After I've finished I walk downstairs to where the Harper's are waiting with my parents.
I walk over to them and stand silently. My eyes on the ground.

"Let's go." Evan says in a cold tone. I don't respond as I follow him out of my house.

"Place your bag in the trunk." This is the rest of my life. Me taking orders from a man who I am being forced to marry.

I place my bag in the trunk and then take a seat in the back of the car next to Evan.

"Where are we going?" I ask as the driver takes the wrong turn.

"My house." Evan replies. Oh no! He's taking me to a house where we'll be alone! I don't want to be alone with him!

We pull up at a house in the country about five minutes later. I can't make out any details of the house in the dark.

We both exit the car and walk towards the house.

Evan unlocks the front door and steps in. I take a deep breath before entering.

As soon as I'm inside I feel his lips crushing mine. I try to push him off of me but it's no use. He's too strong.

He pushes me up against the now closed door.

When he finally releases my lips for air j start begging, "What are you doing?" I ask hoping the answer is just kissing.

"I'm going to use your body to make mine feel pleasure." He tells me before he grinds his erection into the place in between my legs.

"No!" I yell at him, struggling in his arms. He frowns and pushes my body against the door harder, making my head bang against it. I feel tears seeping from my eyes as I realize that I'm going to be raped and there is nothing I can do about it.

I know I seemed like I don't care with Bennett but I do care!

"Remember your place whore!" He tells me venom seeping from his words.

"I'm sorry." I manage to choke out between sobs.

He smirks and rips my dress from my body. Leaving me bare from the top down.

This is going to be the worst day of my far....

The next day

As soon as I walk inside my house all my brothers are waiting for me.

"What happened?" Brad asks. I think back to what happened last night.

After I was naked Evan took me upstairs to his room and raped me. Several times. It was awful. Then he made me make him food. The he made me shower with him.

As I recall these events I feel tears dripping down my face.

"Bren? What happened?" Brad asks a little more aggressive than before.

I don't respond. I put my arms around him and cry into him.

He let's me cry into him for a long time before talking again. "Brenna if we're gonna help you, you need to tell us what happened." I know he's right.

"He raped me." I mutter ashamed, eyes on the floor. That's when all hell broke loose....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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