Chapter 2

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                             I pace the foyer waiting for my parents to come in so I can officially get Mr. Harper fired. No one and I mean no one talks to me like that. Especially some low life school teacher. 

After a few minutes of pacing my parents walk in.        

"Brenna? What are you doing up?" My Mother asks in her strict voice.   

"I need to talk with Father." I say bravely. When my Father gets home from work he likes to sit on the couch and relax before taking a shower and going to bed. 

"What is it Brenna?" Father asks setting his coat and brief case down. 

"There's a new teacher at school and I want him gone." I state. Father sighs, "Fine, who is it?" 

"Evan Harper." I looked him up online......

"I will not be firing him." Father states.         "Why not?" I ask angrily.

"You better watch your tone! I am your Father and you will respect me!" Father yells. His voice echoing down the hallway. I cringe.

"Your right Father I shouldn't have disrespected you."

"You better learn your place. Now go to bed." I nod, "Yes Father." I go up to my room dreading the next day.


The next day I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I click the off button and sit up and stretch. 

I check the time. 6:20. Mother and Father are probably at work already.

I sigh and check my phone. One missed call from Bryce. I click it.

" Hey Bren. Sorry to hear the news. I know that this merger is important to mother and father. I hope your new fiancé treats you well. Love you angel. Call me back."

What the hell! There's no way that's true. Right?! They wouldn't make me get married at sixteen! Who am I kidding of course they would!

I quickly dial Bryce's number.

Bryce: Hello?
Brenna: Hey Bruce it's Brenna.
Bryce: Oh hi Bren. I guess you got my message.
Brenna: Is it true?.
Bryce: You didn't know?
Brenna: Is it true?
Bryce: I'm so sorry Bren.
Brenna: I have to go.

I hang up before he can respond.

I stomp down the stairs after getting changed into a pair of jean shorts and a black halter top that shows a little bit of my flat, toned stomach.

"Good morning Brenna." Mother greets. Why is she here?

"Good morning mother." I greet warily.               "Come home straight after school. Your father and I need to speak with you."               "Yes mother."


The bell rang signaling that it's time for last period. Fun....

I walk into the classroom and sit at my desk.

"Good afternoon class." Mr. Harper greets. I just ignore him.

After class I obey my Mother and go home.

I walk in the door and into the parlor where both my parents are sitting. I take a deep breath and walk into the room.

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