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We already in love but are we being love, we all want more in a relationship but we get the opposite of what we want and when we love we love hard and sometimes go to far as in we do anything to stay with this person even if we gotta kill someone or something. Its like nothing can ruin a perfect relationship but not in this story eternity A.K.A baby wants more in her relationship she feels she wanna be somebody and somebody else has to give it to her and her best Fran Kristy A.K.A Kris is feeling the same way but doesn't say anything blessings love her relationship but she come home from college one day and meet Chris...tymrae A.K.A ty or rae is a model and she can have any boy she wants but she love her baby chresanto or dose she ja'daya is a only child and wish to have a better relationship with her bf but how??? Read to find out all the answers to your questions

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<jaejae2wice is out>

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