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There was a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped the chronicler's mind.


Thank you to:

Marie Piatski, who without you, I would not have 1/3 of my title (that third being umbrella as you were the one who came up with the idea when I asked for a time-traveling device) or this entire story as you also were the one who forced me to turn a 2,000 word essay for Creative Writing class into a full length novel for the world to enjoy. Your friendship has been priceless over the last year and without it, The Time-Traveling Umbrella would have begun with Natalie leaving the coffee shop and ending with her learning Meyer's name.

Kristi Latimer (or K-Lat as we called you) (or should I still call you Mrs. Latimer?), for being the one who forced me to write a short narrative for your Creative Writing class my junior year (sorry it ended up being six pages while everyone else wrote around two pages) that ended up becoming The Time-Traveling Umbrella. Without you, I would never have even thought that I could have written a novel.

Squirrel cabin from Camp Magruder week 8 fall session 2013, who boosted my self-esteem the week before I started writing this when I told them I was planning to write a novel. You all made me feel like I was some kind of genius or super talented high schooler when I told you this even though I made us last to campfire that one time. Also, Madeline, I told you I'd name a character after you as you did win my cheer-off. I hope you enjoy being a Bostonian lesbian who works in a lingerie store. High hopes, darling, high hopes.

@maddiejoel, one of my current besties, who was my main editor of the actual material. Marie, you helped inspire the plot, but Maddie, you helped take out the unneeded words and put in the much needed ones. I owe you that and this is your acknowledgement. You wanted it, and here you have it. And as mentioned before, Madeline is not named after you, she is named after one of my outdoor school kids who won a cheer off. Although you may look up to this Madeline if you wish, she is pretty amazing.

Tara Cirlincione, for the phrase, "Do good, don't suck." I loved having you as a coach, despite all that happened, and I am sorry for turning your words of encouragement into the words from an abusive mother. There is no subtext, don't worry.

Brady McGetrick, you had absolutely nothing to do with the writing of this novel but I would like to thank you for doing those shirtless modeling shots. Wow. Rock on, you all-american boy.

And to myself, because neither of my parents helped me with this at all. Sorry mom. It was pretty much all me and Marie. Thanks brah.

AND THANK YOU, READER WHO ACTUALLY READ THIS WHOLE THING. If you just clicked to the final chapter to see acknowledgements and didn't read the novel, you don't get this thank you. You get this "fuck you" instead.

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