Kylie Has A Tantrum

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A/N: This takes place five years after Pitch Perfect 2, and Beca and Jesse had a four year old girl named Kylie.

Jesse: Guess what?
Beca: What?
Jesse: I wouldn't give Kylie another piece of chocolate and she started screaming, what do I do? You're in L.A for a business trip and you usually take care of this stuff, I don't know how this functions!
Beca: it depends on how severe it is
After a few minutes of Jesse not answering, he sent her a video. She pressed her thumb on the video and watched it. The first thing she saw was her daughter's blue eyes all over the screen while she was yelling at her father. "Sweetie, I already told you! No more chocolate!" Jesse informed Kylie. She turned around running towards the fridge, her brown curls bouncing as she ran. Kylie suddenly started slamming the cabinet doors open and closed. After a few seconds of continuing, she slammed the cabinets closed and started banging her fist onto the counter and screaming with her face all red and tears streaming down her face. "Kylie, I'm sorry. But if you keep eating too much chocolate, you're gonna have to go to the dentist!" Kylie then let out the most loudest scream Beca had ever heard in her life, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I DON'T WANNA GO TO DENTIST!" "Well, if you don't wanna go to the dentist, you can't have anymore chocolate!" Jesse said as he slightly raised his voice at her. "BUT I LOVE CHOCOLATE!" She yelled even louder. Kylie started bouncing all over the kitchen floor and screaming. She looked straight at the phone and immediately knew it was her mother and yelled, "MOMMY! COME HOME SOON! DADDY'S BEING REALLY MEAN TO ME!" She went back to the centre of the kitchen and continued her jumping and screaming. Jesse turned the phone to himself "Now, you tell me how severe that is." And then finished the video.

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