I Think That I'm In Love This Christmas;

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The title was taken from Justin Bieber's "Christmas Eve" from his album "Under The Mistletoe". Because I'm kind of in love with him, okay bye:

Jesse: Becs, wake up.
Beca: Shut up, Jesse. I'm trying to sleep. I miss you and all, but it's 3:30 in the morning, come on!
Jesse had left for L.A to study film at USC after he graduated early from Barden in November. He studied for about a month, and then it was Winter Break. Beca was extremely supportive of him getting accepted, but way deep down, she knew she didn't want him to leave her. She had trouble letting people go, even if it was for a day. She was convinced that if she let anybody go, they would leave her forever. Just like her father did when she was ten years old, a period in her life which would continue to haunt her for the rest of her life. She opened up to a specific number of people, but mostly to Jesse.
Jesse: Sorry. But Beca, it's Christmas! I hope you have a few fun plans for today since your flight got cancelled :/
Beca: I'm literally fine with spending Christmas at Barden, it's okay, Jesse.
Jesse: alright, Bec. I have to go hang out with a friend of mine, call you later. Bye, love you : )
Beca: Love you too, nerd.
"It's been four hours, and he still hasn't called. Maybe he's busy with something..." Beca tried convincing herself as she put on her headphones and opened her laptop. Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door. She slid her headphones off of her neck and walked slowly to the door. Who would come to visit her dorm on Christmas? Her dad already left for Maine, and more than half of the students went to their homes, including the Bellas. She opened the door, to find her weirdo standing there with a small box, wrapped up in red and green wrapping paper. Beca suddenly rendered speechless, she had no idea what to say, how to react... Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, slowly waiting for the moment, which she missed so much, where his hands would take their regular spot on his hips, the way they usually did. As Beca pulled away, she whispered, "I told you not to come." While trying her best to sound stern, but couldn't take the grin off her face for anything.
Later that day, Jesse gave Beca her present. What exactly was it? A thin golden necklace with a tiny red treble clef with gold surrounding it hanging at the end of it. Beca, of course, stared at it, not knowing how to react when she received a gift like that. But in the end, she loved it.
Okay, so maybe he chickened out. Was it too soon? Would she say "no" if he did? The list of his conspiracies was endless, but he was sure he'd do it before the next two years. Maybe the next? Next year... He thought about it every now and then, would they be living in a small apartment in L.A? Would they be both working their dream jobs? And the biggest question, would they be living their promised west-coast lifestyle... Together?

Okay, I let you guys hanging. I didn't even tell you what Jesse was going to do! Way to go, me! *pats myself on the shoulder* I literally make myself so happy. Anyways, comment what you think Jesse was actually going to do ;)

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