He's jealous of your celebrity crush preference both

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Warning has some cussing but not alot.
Chris: Jensen Ackles (that's my babe omg)
Chris had taken you out on a stroll in Los Angeles since he was visiting you until you seen your celebrity crush. "Omg Chris it's the Jensen Ackles i gotta meet him" you said squealing. "Who?" Chris asked confused. "You know Dean from supernatural" you said excited. You ran up to Jensen. "Hi i like your s-show" you said shyly, "why thank you beautiful and you are" Jensen asked smiling "u-um m-my name is y-/yn" you said blushing. "Oh very nice to meet you darling how about a picture before i go" Jensen asked. "O-okay you said stuttering. Chris take a picture please" you asked kindly. Chris grabbed the phone and mumble something incoherent. *click* Chris took the picture and Jensen kissed you on the cheek before he left which left you blushing also making Chris furious. The whole time he would not say anything to you or he would just completely ignored you and talk to attractive girls. Which made you mad angry. "You know what Chris come talk to me when you are mature" you said angry and walked away. "Whoa whoa don't start with me little miss stutter" Chris said with annoyance laced in his voice. "What the hell does that have to do with anything Chris" you asked getting more angrier. "It means my girlfriend is acting like a slut flirting with other guys" he said in his jealous voice. "Don't even start with that you know it's a lie, you know what i'm done"."No y/n please wait i'm sorry please forgive me i was jealous you aren't a slut i promise" Chris said with tears in his eyes "alright i forgive you" you said.

Crawford: Dylan O'Brien (also babe)
You and Crawf was watching The maze runner scorching trials and you couldn't stop talking about how amazing Thomas looked. "Omg Crawf looked bae looks better than the last movie" you said fangirling. "Excuse me bae i thought i was your bae" Crawf asked pouting. "You are" you said not even looking at Crawf but at the amazing body Dylan has. "I mean why do you even fangirl over him everyone knows i'm better" Crawford said scoffing. "Right yeah yeah" you said eyes still on the screen. About 30 minutes you looked at a grumpy hurt Crawford with his arms folded. "Crawford i'm sorry you are better and hotter and i shouldn't had let my fangirlness take over" you said huffing. "Aw it's okay babe" Crawford finally said smiling. You went up to Crawford and gave him a passionate kiss "hey maybe i should get jealous more often" Crawford said smiling.

Sorry it sucked i tried my best

Chris and Crawford collins imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now