Chapter 2 The Search Begins

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The above picture is what I see when I think of Vivian


With them being outside of the Depths now, Necko and Vivian begin their journey on the path of saving the world from a threat that is much greater than any force Earth knows exsits.

Vivian had been so excited since their departure from the depths, she can barely hold back her excitement. One thing that Necko hopes for, is that she is as ready as she says she is for this mission.

He still isn't all that confident in that Swan Arc's decision to have Vivian participate on this mission. Neither one of them really knows what to expect since they both have never actually been on a true mission before.

Of course there has been times where Necko had to travel throughout the world seeking information or to deliver information, but that was it. Even then he was with other more experienced Guardians who were leading the mission. Now he is the one who is in charge.

Neither has any of his prior missions had anything that invoved the impending onslaught of danger at every turn. The threat of henchmen or demons lurking somewhere close and undetected is something that keeps him on edge. We are preparing for war, and the world doesn't know anything about it.

Walking through this fragile world, Necko can see just how naive these people are. He can read it on the expressions their faces hold. It is in the way they walk down this street and how they talk with each other. It shows just how oblivious they are to the threats that is soon to come, some of them invading this very moment as he is walking down this crowded sidewalk.

He too once was naive and oblivious to the real matters of the world beyond his own life. Caught up in his own world of self pleasure had him thinking that his problems were so important. All of that came to an end on that glorious day when a Swan Arc opened his eyes to the truth. It was the cold hard truth, but the truth nontheless, granting him the opportunity to see and realize just how utterly unimportant his own problems were.

Swan Arcs are made up of powerful men and women who are some of the best warriors from above, on Imperium. It's a place that exsits but no mortal eye can see. A place where all the gods and goddesses reside and rule over the universe. Up there the Elder Swan Arcs reside in the Halls of Dexus. The other Swan Arcs reside in a different Hall. Some of them are equipped with swords and daggers, while others prefer the long range of a bow.

Yes, they look humanoid, but they are anything besides average. Taller than any human being on Earth, Swan Arcs tower above the ground, standing over 10 feet tall.

These are women and men of vast prestige and power, who have been granted by the gods and goddesses to be watchers over the mortal realm.

They descend from the sky on gigantic swans that are coated in royal sturdy, iron chainmail armor. Swan Arcs are known as beacons of strength and each one has a different power that is based off the elements of Earth.

When ordinary warriors here on Earth fall in battle, it is the Swan Arcs who decide their fate. They are either chosen to continue training on Imperium, or they go to the Field of Exiles. Being selected to live on Imperium is the greatest privilege awarded to the Fallen.

It is too bad most of the world will never know this. The way that their lives are set up by the gods is for it to go on unknowingly of the threat the Earth faced every minute.

"Helloooooo. Anybody home." A hand is waving in front of Necko's face snapping him out of his deep thought.

"I'm sorry Vivian." He shakes of his urge to continue his thinking and to focus on his companion.

"What were you so focused on Necko?" Her bright emerald green eyes light up waiting for a response.

They are the color that resembles her natural essence. It is the same for all wielders of the elements. Their main element shines out through their eyes. It is their most powerful one.

Though most of them can wield more than one element, there has never been one known to control more than three. And that was a long time ago. It was nonsense to even believe that it is possible for someone to be able to not only possess, but control all five. What is said about the prophecy can't be true. Some on Imperium have debated on the prophecy for a long time now.

Running inside her body is the essence of Earth power. It's an elemental enchantment very few humans have, and it's very rare for them to survive on their own. They had to be trained on how to harness it and control it. Otherwise the power would kill them or drive them insane.

He could see sparks ignite in her eyes anytime she was excited about something. To the rest of the world she looked like your average 19 year old girl, but Necko can see her true appearance.

"I was just thinking about how wonderful it is that we know what the rest of society doesn't." He looks over at her and smiles. He stretches out his arms towards all the passing individuals. "Look at all these people enjoying their lives and they don't have a clue that the end of the world may be upon us." He let's out a slight laugh, but one that's not full of humar, more like pity.

"It's a good thing they don't know though Necko, otherwise the entire world would go into total chaos." She places her hands on her hips as she pauses to look around the city streets. "And that would not be good at all. So yeah, its best they don't know."

Necko looks over at her and sheds a slight smile. "You're right about that." He holds a finger up to his head and shakes it.

"Just out of curiosity Necko, what do you think they would do if they did know that Karnage Krane had armies invading the atmosphere as we speak?" 

Necko looks around at all the people coming and going. In and out of shops, driving here and there. Walking and laughing together, so unaware of the dangers they can't see.

"If we don't accomplish what we came here for, then we're going to find out first hand." He folds his hands behind his back as they begin to walk on.

Vivian shakes her head and says, "Definitely don't want to be here for that."

Necko sighs. "Me either. Me either."

They both let out slight laugh. Then something out of the corner of Necko's eye catches his attention.

He taps Vivian on her shoulder and points to it. "You see that building over there."

She looks and squints her eyes to read the sign. "Yes, I see it. That's one that we should be able to use."

"Come on, let's go."

They both look up and down the street, waiting for their chance to cross. Once the traffic stops, they dart across the street towards the building.

Necko grabs the door to the entrance of the building to open it. "This should be interesting."


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Legend of the Fallen (Book 1) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now