Chapter 4 No Trust

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Necko and Vivian casually walk inside of the busy Café. The soothing aroma of fresh baked bread and ground coffee beans fill the air inside. The place is buzzing with activity. People are standing by the windows talking, while others stand in line waiting to order their coffee or pastries. Half of the tables in here are set up with computers for customers to be able to gain access to the internet via the Café's WiFi. The other tables were empty and they are for people who just want to sit down and enjoy their purchases.

"There's an empty computer over there." Vivian points, and then begins to pick her way through the maze of customers.

Necko follows behind her, bumping into a customer every three or four steps. These customers must have been use to the shuffling of people between them and the constant knocking of random bodies into each other, because none of them seems to be annoyed with Necko and Vivian's intrusions.

Once they make it over to the empty computer, they sit down and turn it on. Necko looks around the room then back to Vivian, "Time to contact Messanae."

Vivian looks up at him with inquisitive eyes, "Why is it that we have to use a computer to contact her anyways? Aren't they able to talk through mirrors?"

Necko leans in towards her, "Keep your voice down!" he says softly while glancing around the café at the customers. "Yes, they can contact us through mirrors but it looks less supicious if we are in here using a computer. I mean with all the video chating going on, no one will suspect a thing. Can you just imaging us in front of a mirror somewhere and somebody happens to walk by or in on us. I don't think that will go too well."

Vivian nods.

Necko leans up to the monitor and blows onto it creating a mist over the screen. He then quickly draws a symbol into it. Immediately the screen changes, the background of trees, folders and icons disappear.

The screen flashes and a barrage of new micro-sized images appear, swirling around the screen resembling a warped vortex. Eventually, all the broken images fix themselves together, forming a complete image of someone.

It is a woman who looks to be young, maybe in her early thirties. She has bright yellow eyes with pale skin. Necko notices that she is quite beautiful.

"Hello Guardian." The voice says. She stares at him for a while, a look of confusion sweeps across her face.

"We have made it to the city Messanae." Necko says looking into the computer screen. "We were told to contact you once we arrived at the location given."

Messanae just stares blankly at Necko for a few moments as if he just said something terribly wrong to her. Then she finally speaks. "I was expecting to see someone else on this mission. Who are you?"

"My name is Necko." He says gesturing to himself. "And this is Vivian." He extends a hand towards her.

Messanae glances in Vivian's direction, then she turns her attention back towards Necko. "I don't remember ever seeing you before on any prior missions."

"This is my first one."

"Mine too." Vivian adds.

"Why would..." She stops momentarily, placing a hand on her forehead and shaking her head in disagreement. "Never mind. I'm assuming you have yet to find the target huh?"

"We have not yet arrived at the location given to us. I just contacted you to advise you of our arrival in the city as instructed by your Swan Arc who was sent to the Depths to deliever us this assignment." Necko sits back in his chair and folds his arms across his chest. He looks around the café making sure no one is listening in on them.

Legend of the Fallen (Book 1) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now