Chapter 8 The Unexpected

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The nurse finally comes in and takes the I.V. out of Scarletta's arm. "Okay. You're all finished here and you can check out at the nurse's station soon as I finish with your bandage."

"Thank you." Scarletta says while holding the gauze over her arm as the nurse wraps a bandage around it.

"You're welcome." The nurse smiles and then walks out the door with the chart in her hand.

A few minutes later, Scarletta was out of the hospital gown and back into her clothes. She put on a pair of blue jeans and a pink Old Navy T shirt. The jeans fit snug around her thin legs. Vigorously, she ran her fingers through her hair, using them to comb it out the best she can.

Grabbing her pink and white hat off the chair, she puts it on her head. Her hair hangs just above her shoulders, it is jet black. Just before she walks out the door, she slips on her socks and tennis shoes.

It takes forever at the nurse's station for them to check her out, but finally she is done and ready to leave this hospital. For some reason, the nurse acted really annoyed when Scarletta asked for directions on how to get out of the hospital. Hardly even looking up from her phone, she quickly gave Scarletta the directions all in one breath. 

How did she say all that without pausing once?

The nurse went back to typing in her phone. Scarletta hears the nurse mumble something under her breath.

"Excuse me." Scarletta eyes bore into the nurse waiting for a response.

The nurse looks up at Scarletta and rolls her eyes, then looks back down to her phone.

"It's not like I'm a regular here." Scarletta says as she turns around and walks off.

She can hear the nurse saying something, but she refuses to turn around. She has had enough of this hospital and its past time for her to go.

Go all the way down the hall and take your first right, then go on through the first set of double doors and follow the corridor around to another set of double doors. Go through them then take your next left and go through the next set of double doors. After that, you'll be in the waiting room.

Scarletta repeats the directions over and over in her head as she marches down the hallway.

"Man, I can't wait to get out of this hospital." She says softly to herself. "Everyone is acting so weird. Or maybe it's me."

Scarletta walks through double door after double door, pushing buttons that open the doors as she comes to them. She passes by a few nurses along the way and they smile at her as she walks by.

Much nicer than the one who gave me the directions, Scarletta thought to herself as she smiles back.

Finally, she came to the last set of doors that lead out into the waiting room. She pushed the green button on the side and watches them slowly open up. They seem to take forever, but eventually she is on the other side heading towards the waiting room in Emergency.

Hurriedly, she walks down the winding corridor and comes out into the waiting area. It was jam packed, just like the doctor had told her. As she walks on, something catches her eye by the check-in desk, stopping her dead in her tracks. The desk is about a hundred feet away from where she is standing.

She can't explain it to herself, but something just didn't feel right about what she saw in front of her. There, standing in front of the nurse's desk is two strange men seeminly giving the nurse a hard time.

Suddenly, something strange begins to happen. All the sounds from the people talking and moving become muffled. Oddly, she begins to be able to hear what the two men and nurse is talking about clearly. They are asking for her by name.

Legend of the Fallen (Book 1) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now