How He Asks You Out

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"Good morning sir." I greeted my next customer.

"Mornin miss" Jacks voice greeted you

"Jack! What are youse doin here?" you asked as a smile spread across your soiled face.

"I thought I'd stop by and say hi. And I also 'ave a question for ya" he replied looking down at you

"Okay, shoot" you replied

"How would you like to go out on a date?" he asked causing your cheeks to flush a bright red

"With who?" you asked as your mouth curved into a smirk

"Me, smart ass" he chuckled at your sass

"That'd be awesome, Jack. But I don't have money" you said embarrassed

"Haven't you ever been on a date?" he asked and you hung your head, sheepishly

"No" you muttered

"Oh, that's okay. Listen, meet me outside the lodging house at seven tonight." He said, his face softening into a smile as he leaned forward

"Okay" you smiled and pushed a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear

"See ya round, (y/n)" he smirked that infamous Jack Kelly smirk that made you swoon every time it appeared on his face.

"See ya round Cowboy"


Everyday since the incident, Davey walked you to and from school. He was really sweet and always asked how school was going. He even invited you over so he could tutor you.

"So, (y/n), how's arithmetic going?" Davey asked on your way home.

"Good, I think I'm finally getting it. And look at this!" you said handing him the paper you were holding

"You got a hundred on your test? That's amazing (y/n)! I'm so proud of you!" he exclaimed and hugged you

"Thanks" you laughed nervously as your cheeks grew red.

You really liked him.

"So, um, I was wondering if you wanted to...oh I don't know.. maybe" he rambled on

"What is it Davey?" you asked him

"Do you want to go out on a date with me?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"Of course" you said excitedly


"You were great, (y/n)!" Crutchy congratulated you as you came off stage from performing your first solo

"Thanks Crutchy" You laughed as he hugged you with his free arm

"You nailed that high note" Jack said coming over to the two of you

"I know right! I can't believe I pulled it off! I mean, thanks" you said embarrassed

"So ya gonna ask her or what Crutchy?" he asked nudging crutchys side

"Ask me what?"you asked curious

"You better ask her" Jack said before walking away

"What was that all about?" you asked the boy in front of you

"Oh nothing" he laughed awkwardly, looking down at his feet.

"Crutchyyyyyy" you led off

"Fine. Would you like to go out on a date with me (y/n)? You don't have to if you don't want to. I understand if you don't. I mean I'm a gimp no body as pretty as you would want to g-" he rambled

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