Alternate Universe PT.1

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Okay now that my crazy outburst is done on to the chapter! This is an au of you and your newsie on the first day of school. (oh and pardon my language in Jack's portion) I thought it was appropriate because many people are starting school this month. Comment below when you started or start!


You stood there studying your closet, anxiety running through your body as you tried to pick out what to wear. It was your senior year of high school so of course your last first day of school outfit had to be fabulous. The only problem was that the bus was coming to pick you up in ten minutes. 'Screw it' you thought to yourself and grabbed a blue dress and some flats. You were sliding on your shoes when your phone started to ring. You answered it, not caring who it was because well, it was too damn early for you to care.

"Hello" you spoke in a monotone voice.

"Why hello Sleepin' Beauty. Ready for the first day of senior year?" Your boyfriend, Jack, asked through the phone automatically causing you to smile to yourself.

"Yea! I'm so excited" you laughed and he chuckled from the other line

"Look out your window I have a surprise for you" he said and you walked over to your window cautiously.

"Jack Kelly, I swear if you and the guys are about to bomb my window with water balloons again...." You warned skeptically.

"We're not now just look out your window" he laughed impatiently as you peeked through your blinds to see him in his car waiting for you

"What? I don't see anything" you smirked sarcastically

"Now do you see anything?" he asked holding up a tray with two Starbuck's coffees.

You hung up your phone and immediately grabbed your bag before running out the door. He was laughing as you ran over to him.

"Where'd the coffee go?" you asked confused as he hugged you.

"Ah well, you're gonna have to pay for that" he said smirking down at you

"You know I'm broke Kelly" you said crossing your arms

"Oh it's not much, just a kiss" He smirked and you glared at him playfully before grabbing his face and kissing him.

"Now do I get my coffee?" You asked impatiently

"Yea I guess" he laughed as the two of you got into his car.


You walked through the halls of your new high school, nervously gripping onto your books. You were trying to find your Spanish 4 class but evidently you were lost. You looked at you map skeptically and went to take a step forward when somebody knocked into you wit full force. You landed on the floor with your books sprawled everywhere on the grimy hallway floor. You looked up to see a man your age with blue eyes looking at you as he scrambled over to help you.

"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going an-" he rambled picking up your books

"No no you're fine. Thanks" you said as he handed you your books.

"You're welcome, are you okay?" He asked helping you up.

"Yea I'm fine. You?" you asked him and readjusted your books in your arms.

"Yea" he said looking at your eyes causing you to blush. "Uh here, I'll walk you to your class. Where is it?" he asked with a small smile.

"Oh um thanks. Spanish 4 with Ms. Figueroa" you spoke and he nodded.

"Okay then, lets go" he smiled at you causing you to smile back as you walked with him.

"My name's (y/n) by the way" you said and he smirked at you

"Davey" he said and shook your hand.


You walked into your favorite class, musical theater, and sat down in the front row. The class happened to be in one of your favorite places, the theater. You didn't have a lot of friends who were interested in theater, in fact you had none, or so you thought. You sat waiting for class to start as students milled in and started to doodle on your notebook.

"Ahem, is this seat taken?" some one asked clearing their throat causing you to look up at them.

"Crutchy!" You laughed as you jumped up to hug your best friend and crush.

"Hey, (y/n)" he laughed pulling away from your hug.

"I didn't know you had this class!" You said excitedly as the two of you sat down

"Well I needed a performing arts credit to graduate and I randomly picked musical theater" he smiled that lopsided smile you loved.

"This is great! you'll have so much fun, I promise" you smiled

"Just as long as I'm with you" he muttered under his breath

"What?" You asked your cheeks heating up.

"Oh nothing." he said and the teacher started to talk.

You smiled softly and reached out and grabbed his hand subtly. He looked at you and he smiled before intertwining his fingers with yours.

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