Chapter 20: The Boys Are Back In Town

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Third Person:

The group had some trouble getting back to the walls, Titans followed them.

Despite his condition, Levi ignored the pain and rode his horse back, he mostly stayed beside Erwin but when the Titans came, he had them drop the bodies, the cadets were confused at Levi's sugge--order. Levi glared at them and they did as told, Levi flicked his reins as he rode back up to Erwin. His eyes couldn't help but slightly sadden as he glanced back at the dropping bodies that sped them up and kept Titan's busy.

He let out a long sigh and focused his eyes forward again.

"Levi, you didn't have to do that...." Erwin started speaking, his voice soft

"It was better than losing more people Erwin...It had to be done. Beside's a bonfire will be held tomorrow night as usual after every mission. Families will be invited if any of their family is alive that is." Levi replied, his voice hardly showing emotion. However, Erwin could tell Levi was grieving for the lost of his squad. He had learned to trust them and they were his friends, but his friends were brutally taken away by the flesh-eating monsters they call Titans.

This wasn't the first time either. It's happened before.

Why had the world been so cruel?

Levi believed the world was both beautiful and cruel, such as Mikasa Ackerman has such a belief as well. Great minds think alike.

The defeated group trudged on to the walls. Soon, Levi's horse was starting to bug him, he carefully hopped off and put his extra flares in her saddle pocket before grabbing her reins and leading her through the town.

People gathered to see the too-soon return of the survey corps. Levi's pain was starting to get worse but he ignored it, not showing any sign that he was injured.

They heard the rude comments and rants.

  "The scouting legion is back!"

  "They're numbers dwindled by quite a few compared to this mornings..."

"Didn't they leave? I mean they were so pumped up and shouting so early in the morning."

"And look! These schleps are back before sunset! Odd for them."

"Why do they even bother to go outside at all?"

"Judging by their gloomy mugs, it was all in vain again."

"Well , they've succeeded in wasting our taxes on their stupid stunts outside. If nothing else."

"Dont you have regrets about sacrificing your soldiers?!"

  "Have you managed to accomplish some grandiose goal to make up for the great number of victims that the Legion has suffered?! "

Some questions were directed towards Erwin, some Levi. They both ignored them the best they could, Erwin stayed on his horse and kept his eyes forward, Levi walked off to the side to keep from having to make contact with anyone. He saw familiar faces in some townspeople that watched them walk through, a man yelled his name and he stopped. Immediately knowing who it was.

"Corporal Levi! I'm Petra's father...she wrote about you so many times, saying how she always wanted to marry you. She's a bit too young to marry in my opinion but I'm okay with it if it's with you. Where is she ? Where's your whole squad actually?" The man spoke a bit excited at first then his face showed a hint of concern.

Levi looked up at the man and let go of his horse for a moment, he put his right first to his heart in a salute. "Sir, I am terribly sorry to inform you that your daughter. Petra Ral, she died under my orders and in battle. Her final results of service is 10 solo kills and 48 team kills. Her teammates and I respected her kind nature and loving vibe. She never gave up easily and wanted the best for others, this was her wish, to join the survey corps and give it her all. She did exactly that. My condolences go out to you and your family, for she will not be returning home. There is a bonfire tomorrow night for the fallen, I would be honored if you could come." Levi's voice was soft yet bold, he didn't let his wounds effect his tone. He went out of the salute and started walking again, Erwin glanced down at him and Levi just nodded saying he was fine. Though, Erwin knew he wasn't. Erwin saw the tears in Levi's dimmed grey eyes.

All in all, the survey corps left with 300 soldiers, only 124 soldiers came back from the 54th expedition.

A/N: Heyyyyy guys so yeah I've been sooooo inactive but I had a big writers block on my stories I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. And yes I'm aware that this didn't happen exactly like it did, but it all happens for a reason. Besides, what fun is a story if you don't put your own twist on it?

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